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2015 was an awesome year. We got a lot done and I'm so glad you all have expressed a desire to continue support. I appreciate you more than you realize. Big things to look forward to in 2016:

- Original Life is continuing. I wasn't pleased with the other start, which got heavier than I wanted and was mmmm... but I've wrapped up the school photo bit and am moving into other new plots. In addition to posting the new pages on my site where I always have, I'm going to include them here as a public feature. This will allow pledge holders to leave comments as pages come out, if they so please. Original Life will have a sporadic as-I-finish-pages schedule.

- Past comic archives. I'm going to start archiving all my old back issue adult comics, probably as .zip files, and sharing them here over time. Kinda roughly sharing them after they're about a year old. I'll be keeping URLs to the zip links on hand for easy sharing among processed $6 pledges.

- Going to tryyyyyyy to see if I can resurrect the old website catalog. I can't promise I can, but for people who still prefer it, I hope to make it an option again.

- I have a billion more "ask" questions to go through and illustrate, but I also want to get back to doing more detailed finished stand-alone pictures.

Thank you all for making 2015 great. 2016 should be even better!





You're absolutely welcome bud! Thank you for the awesome art you put out every year!


Happy new year! And thank you for your kind words!😊 I'm really looking forward to 2016 with all your great art and stuff! :3 Greetings!


We appreciate you more then you realise. Thank you so much!


I pray you have a good year and keep your health.

Glenn Sellers

Jay, I am so looking forward to seeing more Original Life. I'm hoping that some of my questions of some of the characters are answered; but, I'm not going to ask nor suggest what the answers are. I'm going to wait until you answer them for us. I also look forward to supporting you throughout the coming year. Thanks for all the great work you have done and will do.


All the best in the coming year! Happy to support such a great artist!


I'm so glad I've been able to help support your Patreon and you continue to dish out great content and please us fans. (You had like 29 asks and you've gotten 6 down so far so you'll be good) Really excited for more Lupe and whatever surprised you have in store for us.


yes, he is a great artist. I hope to be like him one day!