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It's been another great month. I wanted to thank you all, even though it seems like I do it all the time. I mean it regardless.

I added an answer to the FAQ "I've made a $6 pledge, now where do I get the comics?" to my Patreon homepage. Hopefully, it will severely cut down on the amount of times I have to answer this, individually.

I've started working on Original Life pages again, but I don't want to show anything until I've got a good rhythm going, and I'm happy with it. I've ditched the Veronika story, because I wasn't happy with it. The pages in progress are a continuation from the little school picture day arc.

I'm thinking of inviting the $12+ pledge tiers to an "ask" event sometime, where they can ask characters specific questions, goofy or serious, and give illustrated responses to as many as I can - possibly as an alternative to doing other side-art for the month. 

I'm probably not going to do another YCH for a very long time. The real reason is that I really just don't have to, and that's because of you helping to make this Patreon page so successful. So thank you. <3





Your very welcome bud! ;)


It's a pleasure to be supporting you. The ask event sounds like a lot of fun!


I'm contempt with the comics :3


Thx. and i can't wait for more Original Life :)


I'm so glad your Patreon has been working out great. And I'm more then happy to be apart of it with your quality work. And I would so love for you to do an illustrated Q&amp;A cause those are always a treat that I personally enjoy especially with your fantastically interesting characters :)


That event sounds awesome! Hope it happens.


I cannot find FAQ page. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/jaynaylor?ty=c">https://www.patreon.com/jaynaylor?ty=c</a> is the closest I've got to "your Patreon homepage" and I see nothing FAQ related, only posts, pledges and Creators Jay Naylor supports. Can someone help (I'm a $6 patron)?


There is no FAQ "page". It's just a Frequently Asked Question that I get asked frequently. So I answered it on the home page. As I said: "I added an *answer* to the FAQ (question) to my *Patreon homepage*."


Excuse me, Jay, can you please give a link your *answer*? I cannot find what do you mean by "added to my Patreon homepage". Is this is a post or a side block? I see nothing "added". (ps: I'm an IT guy and a website builder, so this is not just lack of web browsing skills) EDIT: Oh, did you mean the description of a $6 pledge? "Dedicated Supporter - Access to everything, and sent links to all the adult comic pages that are finished over the course of the month *after all pledges are processed*" ? Ok than, sorry.


Aw. But your YCHs were so HOT! lol oh well. The ask idea sounds like it would be fun. I wonder, would it have a certain rating limit? Or might there potentially be mature rated responses drawn, depending on the characters.


If you go to the home page <a href="https://www.patreon.com/jaynaylor?ty=h">https://www.patreon.com/jaynaylor?ty=h</a> and you move your eyeballs down below the pledge totals, you will see the paragraph written with the *ANSWER*.

Shadow Drake

Glad to hear we are helping you out so much. Its a pleasure to be here with all the fun arts you share with us. Can't wait to get stuck into the questions, I see much silly fun to be had ^.^


It feels great to help an artist draw for a living with this kind of initiatives, but it has the drawback that, since the artist just doesn't need to do commissions anymore, people don't get the opportunity for their characters to be drawn by such amazingly talented artist anymore, and that's a pity, really. But I know not everything is perfect and I think the advantages far outmatch the disadvantages this time. So, the same way you thank us for our support, I want to thank you for sticking with us and drawing the awesome things you share with us.


Dude, your art is awesome and it's fun to support you and being able to get new art constantly. I really like that you let us take part in your plans and decisions for future projects! :3 Let's see what the "Ask" idea will bring. I'm looking forward to it! 😉


Sorry Jay have checked all the answers below and tried logging out and back in. I can't see any FAQ.


"Nestor Rodriguez A-ha. I went in through the Patreon App and saw the About link, which led me to the answer. This link is not visible in either Safari or Firefox. Odd." So, yeah. There's no About section to be found under any major browser (screenshot: <a href="http://i68.tinypic.com/fapkdl.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i68.tinypic.com/fapkdl.png</a> ). The About link with it's FAQ text is only visible via the Patreon App, so Jay, please talk with Patreon about this issue, because most of $6 pledgers will probably keep asking questions through PM. Thanks Nestor Rodriguez.


I use Safari and I see it just fine. <a href="http://jaynaylor.com/images6/screenshot.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://jaynaylor.com/images6/screenshot.png</a>


<a href="http://jaynaylor.com/images6/screenshot.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://jaynaylor.com/images6/screenshot.png</a>


Jay, I saw "Edit" on your screenshot. So this is "editor's view". And this is not "homepage", it's that article's view. Please check if this paragraph is visible also after you log off. This is not just me, you saw other people's comments, that the article is not visible. I can tell for sure it's not visible on Windows, all browsers, desktop version.


This paragraphis is visible on browsers where I'm not logged into Patreon. I checked it on Chrome and Firefox.


Yep. I saw it. This article is only visible for anonymous users. One can only see it if not logged in (or maybe is not a patron). Too bad pledgers keep being logged in all the time and not seeing this paragraph. Please read other people's comments.


Again, I just checked it on Firefox and Chrome (where I am NOT logged in) and it views fine. I asked another friend to check it, and he is not logged in, and he saw it fine in both Chrome and Firefox.


Yes. If you are logged off, it's visible. But logged on pledgers cant see it.


Maybe they're hiding it from Patrons who are logged in, but not creators who created it, because they hate consistency and want to give me a headache. Either way, I'm moving on with my life, now.


That portion of a persons patreon seems to only be visible to people who aren't patrons and the person who created it. try going to the patreon page of someone you support ans see if you can see that section on there page.