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Things are swimming along. I didn't get as much work done last month as I wanted. I suppose that's something I can say every month, honestly, but I didn't get as much done in September as I expected to get done. This was due to medical issues and scheduling them and it kinda backed everything up.

The new Brooke pages have gone out. I don't have any cleared-pledge exclusives to send out in a message this month, but I hope to have more than one next month. In October, I plan to double down on having Brooke's comic completed, as well as have more new content here for you fine patrons.

Thank you all for your patience and your patronage!




So say we all!


We all know you are doing your best. Just make sure to take care of yourself.

Tyro Thunderdrone

That page the cropped image is from is funny as hell xD And yeah dude health comes first and foremost.


It's alright. Medical stuff is always something you need to take care of right quick. Health should always come first. ^.^


I think we should go out or something. o_o


I can only speak for myself but even if you´d go on a three month vacation and come back with a broken arm I wouldn´t set down my support for you. You do such awesome work and you take time to answer our questions and let us take part on your work. Yet you did four pages worth eight because they´re awesomely hot, so I don´t see a problem here! ;-) Have a great day!


Hope everything medical is going alright. We're here to support you with more than just money. Thanks for letting us know what's up ^.^


It's my sincere hope that the medical situation isn't serious, but just transitory.


The month of my coming-in-to-the-world-date!(I swear there should be a shorthand way to write that) May it rain furries!!


not sure where to ask but where do we see the other full blown comics you made


I'm going to start releasing older ones slowly through the blog here. Otherwise, there's nowhere right now.