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I warmed up this morning with Ellie the Borzoi. I sketched her a couple of times, a few years ago, and I keep tweaking her. I've really been into the whole "girl next door" type character, lately.




I always thought the "girl next door" type had bigger boobs. *shrug* Either way, she's a hottie! :D


Many years ago I had the pleasure of keeping one of these beautiful creatures. They're enormous, with a regal and dignified air to them. They're aloof and don't suffer fools lightly, but earn their trust and you'll never have a more loyal companion. My little sister was small enough to ride around on Belka's back; he was stoic enough to not complain much. You really did well on this, Jay. She has a calm, wholesome quality to her and I'd love to see Ellie appear more often. That and she has legs for days; somehow I see her standing a good six feet tall!


There are a lot of girl next door types. The main factor is that they don't necessarily look like pornstars or models.


I'd say... 6'3" to 6'4" A delight to be sure. :D


would you ever consider drawing her with a more rounded bridge of her snout? Borzois have more of a long, rounded face structure than most other dogs. She does look like a dog character but I wouldn't have known that she's intended to be a borzoi if you hadn't mentioned it :-/ I really hate to say this to an artist I really like, but the face structure of your characters never really varies :-(


I've thought about it, but characters like that never look "cute" and always just look like animals, unfortunately. I put a downward nose turn, but the bridge to the forehead still has to go up, to make room for a brain. These are always stylized.


I feel like Brooke and her should be friends


She certainly look like she's got potential. The "girl next door" type character really sounds like it'll be interesting from you.


Is "cute" something that you work toward for your characters to be like as if it's always meant to be a cute (females/bottom) or cool (male/top) dynamic?

TY 2022

I wish she was the girl next door, very cute.


"Top/bottom" has nothing to do with it. But there's always neoteny involved with the characters and making them more human-relatable, which is what I prefer to more "feral" looks. Humans are primates that have evolved neoteny as adults, which makes room for our brains. This requires a forehead. I can give it some give one way or another, but characters with heads shaped like footballs aren't attractive to me.


She's cute.


Is that a swimsuit or a leotard? I did gymnastics for a little while, and wouldn't object to a sexy gymnast character. She's definitely cute, either way.


I love the girl next door archetype! What;s her personality like? Also, I love smaller chest girls. They are the ones that you can snuggle more easily <3


I always start trying to imagine what the everyday life of every new character might look like. Because you always come up with interesting details. She looks cute and kind of a girl with her head in the clouds. :3


Very cute


I really like her a lot! And I love your idea of "the girl next door", will you be drawing more? It's fun to see different breeds of dogs/cats and other animal species too.

jaynaylor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 20:23:50 Thanks. <3
2015-09-07 05:14:44 Thanks. <3

Thanks. <3