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Touching base with everyone. Here is all that is going on.

Basic Tiers- I haven't had the same free time to do individual pictures this year as I did last year, where I polled my steering committee tier for more ideas and ended up doing pictures series, often. I'm ensuring there are at least some images each month, still. I hate to blame life things, like buying a house and needing to finish it, but it's taken up a bit of my time and money. I anticipate things settling back to a normal schedule early next year. Until then, thank you for understanding!

Comic Tiers - For the comic tiers, work on "Enemy" continues and it's one of my favorites. I'm enjoying the work I'm putting into the pages and I may have lied about wrapping it up in December. There's an extra bit of scening I want to use to close out the chapter and it's going to take some work into January to do it. But, when it's done it's something I'm going to be happy with, and I hope you will be too.

I'll be hitting the ground running with more Brooke Goes To College next year. I have a bunch of the story and pages already planned out, I just have to sit down and do them when I can. Hopefully, even with the Cottonwine "Enemy" story getting the main attention, people who prefer the Original Life universe can still enjoy this one.

Steering Committee - There's a poll coming up after this to determine which comic project I'll be doing when I finish up "Enemy" early in January. Be sure to vote in the next several days if you want to have a say in where I go next for my main color comics.

As I told the standard tier, I hope to get you more involved in the picture series and sketches I do next year, as I didn't have the time to put into as many in 2019 as I did in 2018, and they were a lot of fun.

Thank you all for another great year. None of the work that I do would be possible without your support. That's not just some token bromide, that's the undeniable truth. 2020 will be even better!

Have a great holiday, everyone.



Mr. Powell

It’s going to be a great year. Happy holidays to you as well Mr. Naylor


Fallen Order fan art imo. You're going to end up finishing it before me because I don't have my PS4 in New England!


If I'm drawing Star Wars fan art, I'm drawing Mandalorian babes with butt-tight armor.

Johnny Nielsen

I like what you do. Great drawings.


It’s been a great year and I’m thankful Enemy has dominated the last months and most importantly you’ve been having fun drawing it as well. I hope 2020 brings more fun as well

Reptiles of Lustria

Happy Holidays, and thank you for your great work, Jay. Beautiful and a standard that others should measure themselves by. I look forward to more of your art, and seeing the beautiful wolfie have more fun times


Best of holidays to you. I also have a question: will you open paid, personal commissions for oc characters? Like, I have photos of my avatar from a game and send references to have art drawn up of it. Wouldn't mind if you use it for other things should you like it. That is, of course, only if this is or will be a thing. Thank you much, love the work!


I understand. Hopefully things get to where you want them to be; I believe!