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Found the time to finish this up this morning.




Nicely done, Jay!

Tam Barlas

Her hair looks amazing, but it would be hell to maintain.


This is why you're one of my favorite artists.


Ty, if you're not going to take care of Beth you had better tag out cause I will.


The pose you decided to go with is absolutely stunning. Can't wait to see more of these two..Ty's new design turned out to be amazing, eapecially alongside Beth in all her glory.


I love poses like this. So simple and so intimate. Well done, jay!

Vylon Delta

I am very interested to see where the plot of the comic for this will go.


This is gorgeous. I love it. And again, I love Beth's hair so much. I really hope we see her with it like this more often.

Glenn Sellers

As always, fantastic job.


I've got to say, Mr. Naylor. You've been my absolute favorite erotic artist since since the cusp of my burgeoning sexuality - and this is probably my new favorite single.

TY 2022

Beth is so sexy!!

Chris Shaffer

Something tells me he's scratching an itch with her that he doesn't get to do with Trixie.


Unleash the wild animals ... well or put a leash on one to make her wild.