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The comic tentatively titled "Enemy" has started, and I'm pouring most of my time into it. Putting some extra details where I can and trying to get a more serious flavor into the Cottonwine world in the process. I'm also taking the time to let the story segments play out how they appear in my mind, which is sort of like a movie, initially. I kind of want this one to be a little bit "next level" for me.

The comic is about a human man and an tribal anthro wolf female together. It's something I've been curious about but didn't want to try to do until I had a little tale in mind that justified it. There are a lot of ideas that I think about and that people ask for, but until I can think of a good way to present it, I tend to hold off.

The plant he's harvesting isn't a source of cottonwine. The drug doesn't make an appearance in this story at all. That's just some winter plant, maybe for medicine.

I've also started the next Brooke In College page for the comic tier ($6+). That's a story that badly needs to be resumed.



Asterion Del Toro

Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but whatever happened to Mistress Theresea?


I may go back to it, but it's low priority compared to the official comic updates and Brooke's popularity. It's a time budgeting thing.


Excellent. I’ve long wanted to see a comic like this from you and how you’d go about it. In the Cottonwine world no less my favorite. I’ve loved seeing Rayka and am quite curious how you’ll have this human. Next month is gonna he even more exciting cause I also can’t wait to see what themes you explore and how you characterize this couple :)

Wm. Van Ness

It might just be an herb that goes well with roast rabbit.


Jay, you're making my year right now. No joke.


I can This comic will be interesting with a Human male and Anthro wolf Female together. If you need help with the story I am willing to throw some idea's.


Also I kinda made a story like that with A human and Anthro Tiger which was made into a short comic.


Looking forward to reading both. :D


Oh fuck yes, Cottonwine.


awesome! great idea ;)


Very happy to see this! I just wanna say that i really love your more tribal themed work and im happy to be seeing more of it!


Was 'The Mission' ever completed, or is it on hold indefinitely?


Never finished. It didn't perform well in polling, and I had a lot of other things that kept me busy.


this page certainly looks "next gen" for you lol, good work! I love your description of the character setup here, can barely wait until its out.


Whats your plan on the ratio between the "good" stuff and story on this one?