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I'm hitting you guys up for yet more feedback. I'm going to leave this one up for a few days. There are a lot of thematic directions I can choose to go in over the next few projects, and I wanted to get some feedback as to their various popularities from the steering committee. Please vote on your preferences.

You can vote on more than one thing, so go nuts. This is to give me a general idea. If you're just ambivalent about a particular subject or theme, then don't vote on it. Make sure what you like or want counts! It's important to vote on all the ones you like because they aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I'm probably going to do a more character/species specific focus poll later. So be ready to vote a lot!

Describing the choices below:

1. Character Development Focus - Things similar to what Brooke is going through in her college comic. Character growth and development in a sexual context. Usually semi-serious or at least stories with some gravity and consequences to a character's life.

2. Silly Comedic - Things similar to comic "Offline", which are designed to be somewhat funny even if they touch on real issues.

3. Nudity/Nudism - A focus on doing public every day things while naked.

4. Taboo Relationships - Focus on relationships are that socially outside the norm and possibly frowned upon. Examples would be Brooke's age difference fetish, mismatched characters by lifestyle or class.

5. Adultery Focus - Cheating or cuckoldry. This may exist in any other story, such as with Sissy, but this indicates a particular focus on this aspect.

6. Sexual Rapaciousness - Sexual acting out, usually a woman with a high drive and a lot of partners, whether anonymous or otherwise. Characters similar to Lynne or Rachel.

7. Human Female/Anthro Male - Sex between human women and anthro males.

8. Human Male/Anthro Female - Sex between human men and anthro females.

9. Feminine Men/Bisexual Men - Focusing on characters such as Mike and Flounce, and their general girlish nature.

10. Transexual Characters - Focusing on a character like Audrey.

11. Fertility Focus - A deliberate focus on either pregnancy risk or fertilization.

12. Lesbian Focus - A focus on lesbian relationships in particular, whether the characters are lesbians or bisexual, such as Beth and Trixie, or Alicia and Brooke.

13. Domination Focus - A focus on BDSM, ownership, domination and service. Characters like Kaori and Priscilla.

14. Tribal Settings - Tribal settings, such as those in Cottonwine.

15. Straight Focus - Sex between males and females.



I want to see more stuff with Red


It's pretty hard coming up with ideas for her right now. Maybe something will jog my mind in that direction sometime.


I can’t ever get enough of tribal settings and fertility focus. But I’m quite curious what you could do with a human male/anthro female comic since I normally (and still) adore the vice versa ones with Mary Anne


Personally, I'm really hoping to see character development, but that's partly because right now it's a heavy focus of mine in life, and you have a way of communicating that development process more effectively than most artists and writers I know. Despite being mostly furry, I love how "real" your work often is!


Big fan of socially unaccepted themes with character development (interracial, starcrossed, etc). Though, not a big fan of huge age range.


More with Lynne and Genwyn :3

Bryant Holmes

Be interested in a fertility focus comic w/human male on Anthro female. Usually the opposite so kinda curious about it.

Bryant Holmes

Love the socially unacceptable stuff especially with the red pandas... that could be fun.


That whole world is my favorite. Really wanna see Mistress Theresa finished


Taboo, fertility, tribes are all fun. I'm always sad that cheating/cuckolding never does well in polls. I enjoy that. I'm also hoping for more feminine men focus~


I really would love to see some more risky sex with pregnancy stuffs. I did also want to see some more taboo like incest and age difference. I am so vanilla in my kinks. XD


Definitely need more coffee, cat fights, and cute characters with guns. But I will accept whatever you come up with.


Hey Jay, thanks so much for throwing the human male / anthro female option in there, and taking my comment seriously. Means a lot!


Gotta put in my usual request for more Zoe. As always, looking forward to whatever you produce.

Dale Evans

More than anything I'd love to see more of Mistress Theresa!


Knotting theme ? :3 I love ur "Red Riding"


I do miss seeing Kaori, with her overwhelming presence in the bedroom. If you know what I mean...