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The first look at the first page of the new story arc that I'll be doing. I'm going to go ahead and post these, here, as I finish them, before I build up about a six to eight page buffer to start releasing them on my website. I can't commit to a schedule for these, but I do know that I miss doing a PG-13 webcomic to account for character development beyond adult stories.



Glenn Sellers

Glad to see some new Original Life story line coming out. I became a BIG fan of the story and have been looking forward to this. Keep up the good work, Jay.

Travis Sebastian

I know I'm late in the game, but where are Original Life 1 through 571?


The original reason for me becoming a patron is back :D. Are you going to do more chapter / story like pages, or random pages or just wing it and see what you come up with?

Lord Chaos

Glad to see Original Life is back. Always enjoyed the stories..


Wow can't wait for more since this fits in perfectly with the previous comics of him being an agent.


OMG This is exciting! Not to mention how this new arc involves Veronika :3


Yes, i became a patron for this reason. Im glad its back :D


This is going to be awesome! I've been waiting a long time for this :3


Oh the sparks and bullets are going to fly! Everybody duck and cover.


I was wondering when we'd be seeing Veronika again. Obsessive, much?


Ahh haaa good ol Veronika, Fisk must've left her a tad sprung after their last meeting all those years ago


Finally, after so long. T^T God, I've missed these.


I am really looking forward to seeing how this plays out.


I feel an archive binge coming on! :D


This is definitely one of the most hilarious moments (for myself, subjectively) of the whole Original Life comic. I´m still laughing! (Information may not be actual.)


Political regimes come and go, but an agent who has gone OCD about the best lay in her lifetime...Wellll.....This could go several different ways...Either very dark (not really desirable..IMHO) or along the lines of the movie "The Pacifier" adventure-comedy. Third choice is something along the lines of jamie Lee Curtis and Arnold Swartzeneger in "True Lies" where both Fisk and Elizabeth end up working for the "investment firm"...We'll see...as only Jay knows for sure...and he's not spilling the beans!


ROFLMAO! Wow, she tracked him for all that time? Something tells me her obsession is a bit more... personal than she's admitting even to herself. XD Cant wait to see how this plays out. I wonder if she'll get "the coffee treatment" again. XD

Tyro Thunderdrone

Original text reads "Vodka vodka boris yeltsin" XD

Steve O

I love your NSFW stuff, but I really missed OL. Thanks for bringing it back.


Whooo! New OL!