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I will never tire of seeing Brooke's tail.


Shit Testing, that's what it's called! OMG why do women do it !?

Mister Cletus

Just googled this myself: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shit%20test


Yes. Do something. Fuck. XD I'll let myself out. >.>


Thye've been together how long and this is the first shit test she's thrown at him? That, more than the anthropomorphic creatures, is what makes this a fantasy world. ;3

Chris Shaffer

Well, keep in mind, they haven't been treating this like an actual relationship for very long.

Glenn Sellers

When the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other are on the same page, something ain't right about the situation.


Lol, I love how the shoulder-devil is even appalled by Brooke's shit-testing.

Buster Davison

Have you ever considered releasing "art only" versions of your comics?

Buster Davison

I personally see it as a way for your fans to appreciate the art that goes into the comics, and potentially as an effective base for official multi-language versions that non-English speaking fans can enjoy reading.