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Eventually, I'd like to dedicate a certain amount of time to collecting sketches and writings to create a "bestiary" of sorts for the Cottonwine universe at large, exploring cultures, regions, politics, races, and such. This was one such thing I put together very quickly just to whet my appetite for more, coming off of the heels of the map of Cottonwine's known world.




i want more of this please!!


<3 I love you! Thank you, from a Piggy!


nicely done, Always nice to get more (detailed) information about a universe. I do hope you can find more time to do these kind of information/bestiary images.


Orcine slave comic ETA?


A Bestiary? That'll be pretty neat. Can't wait to see more!


Looks like if you value your life avoid them.

TY 2022

So when they raid do they take captives back with them? Like maybe a few pretty elf or human women?


Why did you decide to go with, "Orcine," instead of, "Porcine?" I recall in a previous Cottonwine story (Field Guide?) the race of pigs were referred to as Porcine, which is more in line with the Latin roots you use for various races... Anyway, was just curious what catalyzed the change. As a writer I am interested in your character and story development processes. :)


"Catalyzed" the change. Haha. I went with Orcine because it doesn't sound as comical and silly as "porcine" which is also an adjective for pig-like.