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Working with contrasting a more traditional female body type for me, and putting it to scale on Brice's more heavyset type, trying to join them together in natural pose. We'll see how long this model lasts as I work on it in different situations. It was quite a challenge.

I'll probably color this in the next few days.




..I see that little gum wad on the bottom of her shoe or 'sneakers' as it were. X3 Can't wait to see this colored if you do!


he has quite the cutie. Considering his wife. i see no problem with this lol


His left hand looks kind of odd though like as if there was a finger forced in there to make it appear as five, that or he really has a big palm though he is a bigger person than average. Sorry for the nit picking just noticing.

Jim D

I'm really looking forward to any comics with this couple.


I´m looking forward to the finished work! :-) These two have potential!