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The Best Laid Mistress is complete. The finished comic will be sent out in Patreon messages to $6+ patrons after they're all processed, along with the first few pages of the new project. I'm still at a loss for the title, but "Marital Aid" is right up there on the short list.

Thank you all!




Oooooh! I can't wait to read the whole thing! And any hints as to what the new comic is?


To confirm still means waiting till start of next month for the final pages for "The Best Laid Mistress" right? Since you mentioned after it has been processed. Eitherway, awesome and can't wait. :D


Her tits look absolutely exquisite in that pic, right there. :D Just saying.


How do I get access to the comic?

Goth Skunk

I think you mean "Marital" unless Flounce and Persia have joined the military? :3


As indicated by the words underneath the image: Links will be sent out to the $6+ patrons after pledges are processed at the beginning of next month.


Are you no longer uploading new comics to your website? Because you always block the explicit bits, from having the title cover Samantha's vag, to simply having Mandy face away from the viewer.


How many pages is this one? Also any info on what this "Martial Aid" is about or is it still kept under wraps for a future reveal?


So we´ll have to wait until the 1st of the month? I joined just this month, wish I´d know how to pay earlier, waiting for two weeks for finished comics will be torturous.


Patreon processes all pledges at the beginning of the month. Usually they're done by the 4th or 5th. Then I send out links.


I honestly wonder how many kids she will end up with. She is really fun to see when not in control.


Striking pose for the "Mistress". Best look for her yet.(for Scottycat) With the constant servicing she was getting , I would guess a full litter. (think of original life when Fisk and Elizabeth wanted a 'private' vacation. <name escapes me> married friends, the collie and the doberman. Looked like she had about six. mistress could end up in thwe same boat!) ;-3


Oh yeah. Can't wait for this.

Markus Maack

When will this be ready to read?


Read your pledge: "Dedicated Supporter - Access to everything, and sent links to all the adult comic pages that are finished over the course of the month *after all pledges are processed*." Pledges are processed at the end of the month, usually by the 5th.


I just told you in the my prior reply. Please read it twice if you have to.


i dont mean to be a bother and just to confirm you are sending best laid mistress on july 5th?


I had to ask cause some reason my patreon wont display the dates for when people have commented or replied