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I'm not saying this is destined to happen. I just wanted to draw it.




There is some lovely eroticism happening here. I love the expression on Brooke. Can only wonder what emotions bubble beneath the surface there. :3


I think if Alicia came onto me like that... Phew boi.

Goth Skunk

Saw the title "Dangerously fluffy" in the email from patreon, but for some reason could not get the image of Doritos' Chester Cheetah saying "Dangerously Cheesy" out of my head. Then I saw the pic, and Chester Cheetah vamoosed out of my mind's eye entirely.


This is adorable


You must be old like me. Unless they're still using that same ad slogan.


A girl horny but there are no boys around to play with so she settle for another girl to play with while being horny.

Sherri Mayim

That some good vibrations! ...okay I will see myself out

Johnny Grimm

Noooo Brooke Its a trap!!! A sexy, sexy trap

Sean Leclerc

We all wanted you to draw it :D


I approve! :D Hope we see more, even if just in random, non-canon images.


It would be a fun change in tone to see Brooke go from being desperate for some lesbian fun to having a girl even more eager than herself grinding all over her like this. A "I don't know what to do - I didn't think I would get this far" moment. ;D


Yeeeahhh... This NEEDS to happen lol. Still want to see her bang Professor Anders though.


Brooke is all like „please no, I don’t want to enjoy this!“ XD


Hip tufts. >w>

Glenn Sellers

Looks like Brooke is wearing an evening gown. Was she planning on going out when Alicia pounced her or is this after they returned from an evening out? Either way, I'm thinking somebody's going to enjoy herself tonight, maybe even two somebodies.

Oscar Cruz

Thats hot!


I really like this pairing :)