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This poll is for both of the comic level tiers ($6+) and not just the steering committee, because it pertains to both. I remember wondering about this in the past, but I don't remember ever talking about it publicly. What I'd like you to decide on is:

Bulk Comic Updates - What I've been doing since I started Patreon, updating with every page I've completed over the month, archiving them into a .zip file and attaching them to a post here, on the 5th of every month. If this method wins, nothing changes and we chug on as usual.

The advantage to this is getting a lot at once and having the pages form more of a context with each other since they can be viewed together. The disadvantage is that it takes a month between updates, and .zip files aren't always convenient for those viewing on phones.

As-Finished Page Updates - Posting each page as an entry as I complete it, or possibly two pages at a time as I finish them, letting people use the comic name as a search tag to go back and pick up older pages. This method will also include uploading a .zip of the entire comic so far, along with the back issue list you're used to seeing with every comic update, on the 5th of every month. This is so you can easily keep up to date if you're new.

The advantage of this is it's more friendly to people viewing on phones and such, and it allows for commentary feedback specifically per page. The disadvantage is getting the color adult comic as a slow drip instead of in readable chunks, which can create lots of commentary wonderment, spoiling, and idle speculation.

Whichever wins, it will not change the posting of a back issue list on the 5th of every month for new subscribers to make sure they're up to date.

So, please vote on whichever you'd prefer, and I'll work with the results. Thank you!

Poll ends Thursday 12-13-2018 at 11pm Eastern US



This is a pretty good pole. Both offer benefits that really what we would like. Bravo.


I can see the appeal in the as finished updates, and wouldn't really be opposed to it. But, personally, I prefer the bulk method. I honestly don't mind or even notice the month wait in between. Often I forget entirely, because other things are going on, that there's going to be a bulk of pages posted until I see the Patreon post and get excited for what I'm about to enjoy reading.


Tempting as the newer option is since I view most of your content on my phone, it’s hard but I’ll stick with the status quo. I never feel like the wait is too long anyway and love having something to look forward to the 5th of each month. Not to mention between your warm up pics and the ongoing Mistress Theresa which I freaking love like crazy I can’t wait to see what’s next. (Also curious if we’ll see what you have planned next for that steering committee created lioness)


"The disadvantage is getting the color adult comic as a slow drip instead of in readable chunks, which can create lots of commentary wonderment, spoiling, and idle speculation." Personally, I'd call commentary wonderment, spoiling, and idle speculation a benefit, not a disadvantage. I threw my vote in for the as-finished.


I like things the way they are. It's nice having something to be looking forward to each month.


I like the bulk updates way more but I'm a lazy bastard and I don't want to have to download the pages. So maybe there is a way to post the pages viewable each month.


Keep it the way you do it now. If it aint broken, then why fix it