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What a month. Between computer issues and vacations I was only able to get done five pages instead of my usual six full new pages. Really that has more to do with the computer than anything. Offline is complete at 21 pages, and you can find the .zip to the comic attached here. You'll also find the .zip containing the first three pages of Normal Perverts attached. The last two pages of Offline, and the first page of Normal Perverts are of lower quality because I didn't have them backed up yet when my computer bit the dust. It was either go back and do them again, and upload even fewer new pages, or go ahead, and I decided to go ahead. Part of me is still tempted to go back and redo those pages. 

Let me know if it matters to you.

The back list for issues is still unchanged for this update. The Mission won't be a year old until January's update, at which point I'll just offer all of 2017 as a single archive. Thank you and enjoy!
















Viro Veteruscy

Pages look fine to me, that ending lol X3

Dale Evans

I didn't even notice a difference between the pages.


The ending of Offline is just awesome! XD Made my day, Jay! I also like the first pages of Normal Perverts and it all comes up with a new interesting story. Curious what situations the two will be in soon! :3


If you find time to remaster them, I'm all for it, but the quality isn't the end of the world imo


I think the first page looks fine. Nothing complex that needs to look super clear.


I'll be honest, I would not be bothered by a reduction in pages for the redo of the "lost pages", if you want to redo them. If that's what you wanna do, go for it! Even if you only do them in some sort of "side project" capacity.


I cannot detect a difference in sharpness between the representative high and low quality copies, even on a 4k. I cannot comment on color differences if there are any. IMO, unless originals are critical for signage or something, I'd say onward and upward!

Alexey Belovolsky

Hooray! It was just a great story! One of the few comics in recent years, which caused me not a smile, but a real laugh. It is very sad that we will not see this wonderful couple again. I will miss these conversations between people from different generations and with different views on life. Also, it seems to me that there were a lot more things on Marley’s list, but they all didn’t fit in the comic. Thanks so much for this great job! And yes, I will look forward to continuing the story of Brooke and Francis!


Great to see Brooke is finally starting to have more interest in Francis