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Penny and Lynne will have their little picture series coming up, soon, and these are the beginning lines. I want start using Penny as a more regular character, and this is a good start. I'm going out of town until Thursday, tomorrow, so there won't be any updates until then. And then it's back on schedule. This month hasn't been as productive as I wanted, due to life upcroppings, but I thank you for sticking with!




Love that ass worship! This is gonna be good.


You got this, Jay. Good luck!


So stoked to see Lynne in the spot light again! I am looking forward to seeing Penny in more material as well.


Penny's a cutie. A petite, disproportionately well-hung cutie. This'll either be really hot, or comedic gold. What's the over/under on Genwyn pratfalls in this series?


Can't wait for this. :3


Someone looks... very wet. :D

June Vasquez

I read twisted sisters about Penny what have shemale can make out to Lynne! :O


I´m looking forward to this project. ^^ Will it be a project like Sissy´s loose with pictures building up a small story? :3 Greetings!


dat sweet mousie <3. lick dat girl butt


Man I confess, I don't know who any of these characters are. I know awhile back JN had a character chart for Better Days and Original Life. Are these characters from either series?

Robert Knight..aka..Guardian

Still a bit early on to say exactly who else besides Lynne and Penny are in the sketch. They all need more definition (and color) toget a good read.

Robert Knight..aka..Guardian

Took closer look.. I see now what you did, several different views of both of them in same sketch , like Red and her dalmation fend on the couch.

Robert Knight..aka..Guardian

Took closer look at sketch. You did same thing with Red and her dalmatian friend on their couch. Multiple views in the same sketch.