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Taking almost a week off put a real dent in my work schedule, but I'm back in full swing. In case you were wondering why I've posted fewer extraneous drawings, lately, it's because I'm giving the Beth comic priority during my working hours. I'm also extending those working hours into the evenings to help.

I do have so much more I want to do. I want to draw more of Samantha. I want to draw some more Sissy. But I really want to draw more pictures from Brooke Goes To College, because I have a good way to wrap up the first "chapter".

But I guess I really just wanted to post this because I feel terrible when too many days go by and I haven't updated anything.

Thank you for your continued support!




Looking forward to your new work


Dont overdo it my good man, we dont want you to hit a wall or something due to overwork :)


Pretty sure here a lot of us understand. You aren't a machine, Jay, and nor are we gonna hold you to extreme time standards. Do what you can, when you can. We'll always be here, waiting patiently ^^


Keep up the great work Jay! We believe in you and even the great artist deserve some vacations. I love your works and will continue to support you none the less! Thank you for letting us know and giving us a short updates of what your intentions is . We love ya!


Yeah, no, we're okay with you taking a vacation. Just don't do it again, ever, or you're fired..... Until the next rewards release.. Maybe..

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Rest well, and remember the first rule of the Artist: Take care of yourself first.

Kyle Major

aww don't feel bad, it sounds like you have been putting in tons of work. make sure you get rest and don't hurt your wrist and stuff. can't wait to see what you are making. always seem to like your works ^u^


Samantha? Sissy? Brooke? Dam, we got a fantastic line-up art on the way. :D


will we see more of serena? or is she on the back burner for now


Life sometimes get in the way. Take care of your life obligations first, that's always more important. Best Girl Audrey can keep until you do :)