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Actually sketched this in front of the TV a few nights ago, and decided to go ahead and color it on this lazy Saturday.

The guy started out as just some nobody, and then I had this thought of making him an updated version of Marley the porn addict from the old Original Life, who appeared for about three pages. And then I had some idea about him still living with his mother in his early 20s and being forced to leave the house after she cuts off the internet.

But I'm rambling.






That is a great idea. I remember these three pages well. If you really plan to give him a place in Sissy‘s comic later I would really appreciate it. I think this could lead to some really funny situations. :3


Maybe not as young but definitely as gorgeous. You keep amazing me Jay, and surely all of us.


Love Sissy. I miss that lovely thick bush of hers, though. I hope it makes a comeback some time.

Viro Veteruscy

Rambles usually lead to interesting stories, better make a few notes just in case :3


i think everyone would agree that we would want to be in that cats position

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Does anybody recall which pages Marley was in? I was just reviewing the OL archive, but couldn't find him.


The description contains at least the potential for a really intricate, perhaps even Oedipal, frame of mind on his part for this picture, Jay. I wonder how you would imagine it from the mother's, or the mother's stand-in's, perspective... (of course, "mother's" and "mother's stand-in's" perspectives might be very different...) ? Does she understand that she is participating in that role in his mind? Thanks.


Gotcha, but I'm actually more interested in your thoughts on the mother's stand-in, and her thoughts/understanding of the situation part of my question... Sissy's perspective. If it's too deep or you're not interested, that's fine. Or, if I'm misinterpreting what you posted, that's fine too. I'm fully aware that forums like this aren't condusive to real deep conversation.