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The end of February always sneaks up on me. So, on with the announcements: Around the 5th or so, the comic pages that I've finished this month will be shared. I'll be finishing the Rise of the Wolf Queen 3 in March, and I'll be putting my next comic to vote with the steering committee. I'll even go ahead and include the 4th and last installment of this series as one of the possible options. I'm also continuing to work on stand alone pictures. Right now, in progress, I have one that is a Rachel image which features a lot of background detail. So far it's in the sketchy phase, and I work on it in bits and pieces, here and there. I have another one with Lynne, which is actually a fetish-heavy multi-frame sequence concerning watersports. I often debate how much time I should invest in those kinds of niche images, where some will like them, others may not.. whereas just about everyone likes vanilla sexy pictures in general. Ah well, in any event, I'll be putting more image themes up for vote next month, when I get the ideas. I was also serious about no longer taking YCH commissions if I manage to wrangle in $5,000 per month in pledges. I could devote that extra time to doing Patreon exclusives and even opening up request ideas to the Steering Committee contributors. I really want to cater to you guys even more. <3 Thank you!



Sharlan Mousie

I just wanted to say I really am grateful that you still draw WS/Cuckolding stuff even though it must be a lot less popular than more normal stuff.


I personally am fine with a lot of stuff you come out with because your style is quite dazzling. I look forward to anything you create and hope you continue to do so when you reach your goals! :3

jaynaylor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 20:27:36 Thank you. &lt;3
2015-03-01 03:03:22 Thank you. <3

Thank you. <3


Do you have plans to get back to Original Life? Or is it just too hectic for you to try and cover that as well as everything else?


In my personal opinion, I don't think you should stop the YCH auctions. As much as it kills me to not have the money to buy each and every one, they are absolutely gorgeous pictures and I'd be saddened to see them go. I love the random little ideas you come up with, especially the upskirt ones. The recent 'raining' picture and 'cheerleaders' picture are among my favourites. Also, I eagerly await this Lynne picture.


Yay! :D I can't wait to see the list of options.


Sounds good Jay. I cant wait to see your work with Lynne! Shes my favorite :)


I agree heavily with this. The way you use reflection to show different angles is, in my opinion, what sets you way ahead of everyone else :)


Not right now. If I ever do, it may just be a comic or something when I think of it. But time is the biggest obstacle right now.


Well, my thought was, if I wasn't doing YCHs, I could devote time to utilizing those same ideas into my own character illustrations, and I could do more of them as exclusives for patrons. I've also pondered using some of that time to get back into Original Life.