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Wrapped up the color for this one tonight. I really loved doing it and I want to do more like it in the future.




Beautiful and oh so hot!


This is a very well done scene. I really like how you've kind of mashed together the little moments of the whole time, each focusing slightly on something a little different, but all a part of the same thing. I would not object to more scenes done this way.


Judging from the look in her eyes, she may be having some deeper feelings for her unnamed gentleman caller. Love how you can put so much emotion in ones eyes, one of the many reasons that drew me to your artwork. P.s. loving this Red kick you're on too!


*Sigh* Okay here's the deal, and maybe I'm over-thinking this. My inner horndog looks at this and thinks, "wow, soft, hot, and intimate." But my inner romantic is thinking, "that third panel, there's eye contact; does this mean that Red is letting this guy get into her emotionally and not just physically?" My inner romantic wonders if Red has a place in her heart for the Dalmatian dude. Are the scars and defensive mechanisms too ingrained for love? Anyhow, sorry to ruin this for others who just see hot furry action, but that's why the character of Red is hard for me to see as just eye-candy.

John Trull

Will we be seeing another Red comic? All this Red artt really makes it feel that way. Maybe her session on Fisks legendary couch (may it rest in peace)?

Goth Skunk

Yeesh! It looks like there's four otters and four dalmatians on that couch! XD


Hahaha! I never looked at it that way, but dam, now I see it and it looks fun. XD


Another great piece, never a disappointment :)


Maybe. I'd need to come up with some kind of plot other than just a continuation of what she has.

John Trull

I think a lot of people would love to see Red have her own series. I would at least. XD


Really love it, arguably my favourite piece you've done...competition is strong from Audrey though.

TY 2022

Great piece! I wish I was him.


maybe that's not a bad thing :) in my opinion, your stories are good enough to stand on their own and still be amazing. The sex, cock, and intimacy is really just an added bonus for me when it comes to your nsfw pieces

Kenno Arkkan

Hey Jay excellent way to deliver the sequence :O I love the layout! *takes note*


Very intimate. Love it.

Aero The Highwind

Man, if only I could be in the place of that lucky guy! Nice job Jay!