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Now that we've determined her standard of living (middle class, raised poor), I have better ideas on how to break down her employment options when we meet her. This will help with determining her story start. Pretty straightforward!

I've chosen jobs that could reasonably offer a middle-ish class living to a 27 year old woman. I stayed away from employment options that would imply a required level of sexual experience, such as call girl (not that she can't become one if you make her).

You're not voting on what you want her to do, or become. You're voting on what she does for a living the moment we meet her. She's not locked in on this for the rest of her life.

1. Bartender - Maybe not high middle class, but bartending in a capacity where tips keep her comfortable with some leftover cash, and social opportunities are aplenty. She may have other, yet unfulfilled, aspirations. She could live almost anywhere.

2. Fine Artist - Painting and/or sculpting at a level where she's able to sell pieces and acquire clients to the degree that she's comfortably middle class. She probably lives in a the heart of a city with a robust art culture. Her apartment is probably festooned with canvasses and supplies.

3. Corporate Artist - Breaking into the stability of the corporate world on a lower level, she does digital and commercial art and/or animation for a production studio, advertising, or anything that requires in house design. She probably lives in or near a major city, and works in an office.

4. Freelance Illustrator - Working digitally and/or otherwise, she's able to scrape up enough clientele to make a middle class living. These days, she probably does most of her work on the computer. She works at home and could live anywhere.

5. Bike Courier - Dashing from place to place through the day and keeping her legs in shape at the same time. She's in and out of corporate offices with packages, tight shorts, and a dorky helmet. She lives in a city that's crowded enough to justify what she does, and probably owns a bicycle that Jay will hate drawing.

6. Programmer/ IT - Working for a company that produces digital products, like software in some capacity that requires knowledge of computer languages and networks. She probably lives in or near a city.

7. Fashion Sales - She works at a boutique shop selling clothing to women who are wealthier than she is. She probably lives in a city with enough of a fashion culture to allow this. She may have other aspirations.

8. Thief - A small time thief, a pickpocket, a skilled shoplifter playing a constant cat and mouse game with loss prevention agents. She does just enough to live middle class, without going large enough to draw undue attention. She could live in any sized city, and she probably knows a fence.

9. Small Drug Dealer - Using connections to sell and distribute through the mail or on the street, mostly unauthorized marijuana, pills, and LSD. She probably lives in a city or a suburb.

10. Auto Mechanic - She works on cars and gets nice and greasy. She's mechanically inclined and can probably figure out and fix other machinery as well, like boats and air conditioners. She could live anywhere.

11. Gamer - She makes enough money playing video games on streaming services, with a moderately popular channel. She could live anywhere.

12. Policewoman - She wears a uniform and carries a gun and everything. She could live anywhere.

13. Maid - She works for a company that books her to clean clients' houses, because people are too busy to do it for themselves. Social opportunities are aplenty. She may have other employment aspirations. She probably lives in a suburb or city.

14. Nurse/Medical - At a hospital or a clinic, sometimes working long hours as the job demands, and wearing weirdly colored scrubs. Opportunity to confront every shred of physical weirdness imaginable. She probably lives in a suburb or city.

15. Photographer - She's moderately successful as a photographer, working freelance, sporting events, weddings, and anything she can sell. Her camera is probably the most expensive thing she owns besides her car. She probably lives in a city and it's possible she travels frequently.

Poll ends in 24 hours. Have fun!



I would love to see how you would portray a twitch streamer/LPer hehe


Probably owns a bike that jay will hate drawing lol.


i am stuck between a photographer or a nurse


I can safely say that hair color is not up to police regulations.

Bryant Holmes

Police woman please! Speaking as law enforcement omg it’d be nice to see that.


Gotta have a mechanic, who doesn’t want a grease monkey? Er, grease lion.

Glenn Sellers

I like the idea of a bike courier. That would keep her in fantastic shape and looking sexy all the time.


Don't like the police for the hair color, but anything else I don't mind. Maybe a gamer? Seems like it fits every other trait she has.


A sexually repressed Police Woman with daddy issues. Y'all are something else.


I'm liking the Police Woman idea, I can see her as a member of SWAT.


haha Lady in blue with some blue hair, well i guess it works but i can agree not the best choice of color for this job


even though unpopular thought the bike courrier would be a fun idea


5 fits very well, but cop works too I suppose


Went with Bartender, but I can see her as a Policewoman.


I almost voted for the bike courier just so Jay would have to draw bikes 3:)

Johnny Grimm

Awwwww I wanted to see an active criminal in jays world I went with thiefbut I can see hey more as a detective than a cop.


I can see a police officer. If she has natural blue, then it's allowed. Police officers don't usually wear piercings. And due to their jobs, many officers find it hard to get into a relationship.


Sounds like Zootopia fever is still raging on.


Bah didn’t even think of zootopia when I voted >.>


Hoping policewoman doesn't win lol too many lately lol