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It looks like the name "Serena" is winning pretty confidently in the name department. I like it, as well. So we'll go along with that. It sounds fitting for a lioness without being so exotic that it would estrange her from a contemporary setting.

In this poll, you're going to be determining her class status at her age of 27. I originally was going to do this whole write-up where I listed all the jobs she could have, but the choices ended up SO numerous, so I'm going to whittle it down to her general economic status for now. In polls like this, don't think about what makes the "happiest" circumstance, but think about what makes for the most interesting stories in your mind.

1. Poor and raised poor - She's poor but surviving, and she comes from a family that is poor, as well. She probably only has a high school education.

2. Poor and raised middle class - She's come from a comfortable middle class family, but she's trying to make it on her own, starting at the lower end of the economic spectrum without relying on much support from home.

3. Poor and raised wealthy - She grew up with a very comfortable lifestyle, but for whatever reason, she's estranged from her family support in order to make it on her own, starting out at the low end.

4. Middle class and raised poor - She's risen above her upbringing and she's doing better than her parents.

5. Middle class and raised middle class - She's pretty much continuing how she grew up. Maybe someday she'll do better than her parents, but not right now.

6. Middle class and raised wealthy - She's making it on her own, not quite as well as her parents, but she's still young.

7. Wealthy and raised poor - Amazing opportunities and ambition have caused her to grab life by the nuts and find the key to be on her way to wealth, beyond anything she was raised with.

8. Wealthy and raised middle class - On her way to doing much better than her parents, due to her field and the opportunities she's exploited.

9. Wealthy and raised wealthy - Born to comfort, and at her age, she's happy to rely on it as a safety net so she doesn't have to worry about money, giving her greater flexibility in what she wants to do, and free time.

Poll ends in 24 hours!



2 is Basically my life now so I'll go with that hehe


I'd love to see a poor and raised poor. I think that's an area for a lot of interesting stories that tends to get neglected. Not everybody is lucky enough to be successful and I'd enjoy seeing the stories for those who things didn't work out for.


I never like the presumption that success is due to luck and poverty to the lack thereof.


Hmm, not sure of where she's located, so I don't know the true impact of this choice. Though on another note, Patreon admitted they screwed up on the fee system and are canceling it. Woot!


I'm (somewhat) mid-low class and raised poor so I'd love to see a fanmade character with those aspects. It would be like "you didn't make it far enough to have everything, but dammit you worked your ass off to get better than where you were and that's something to be proud of. "


At the same time I'm not sure a "this is like me" approach to character creation makes for the best and most interesting characters, by itself.


If you need any research material for #7, hit me up 😁


Maybe. But it feels much better when a character made by someone else has some qualities you can relate to and that tends to make you like that character better. That's my opinion but I understand what you're saying.


I'd really enjoy seeing something like that too. But check out my comment chain. I think Jay just hates poor people.


Dude, I'm only on your Patreon because you introduced me to that when you tweeted about it in the first place... You're one of three people I have to thank that I happened to come across that ended up leading me to where I am now. (that, and I love your art and stories)