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Oh, I'm not done with you humps, yet. You have more polls to fill! Right now I'm getting the ones that don't require accompanying art, while I work on main projects.

How sexuality is going to work isn't where one choice wins and cancels out all the others. It'll be handled more like how her age was handled, if you saw my video about how I arranged that information. Different choices will "tug" the character's final disposition in those directions. The degree of her straightness, gayness or bisexuality is up to your collective determinations.

1. Hard Straight - Only interested in dude men.

2. Bisexual, Male Biased - Interested in dudemen, mainly, but sometimes women, or certain women, sometimes in a sexual sometimes way.

3. Bisexual, Female Biased - Mainly interested in women, but men, or certain men, are still sexy to her in a way that warrants her interest.

4. Hard Lesbian - Only interested in her own sex.

Polling ends in 24 hours.



could we have a pansexual character?


Far as I can tell, the definition of that term, itself, is debated, and I'm not going down the road to taking a side on every conceivable flavor subjective sexual definition, especially for something that probably won't even come close to winning. I'm guessing the closest you can get to that would be a complete even split between male and female biased, so that in her mind, the physical shape of her sexual/romantic interests are irrelevant. If the term means she's only attracted to personalities and not bodies, then it sounds more like an endocrine disorder, and in the realm of an adult story, physicality is too important to discard preferences for it in the main character.


fair enough

Glenn Sellers

I have a character that's male oriented bisexual. I like that idea.