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This one is a little long, coming in just a hair over 30 minutes. I spend the first part talking about comics and characters, and then I go on a long jag about video games.




EA is finally getting the attention that they deserve for all of their greedy crap, I've long loathed them for it and its refreshing to see the bad press and loss in stock revenue they are getting after this latest slap in the face. Game wise Ive been busy with Assassins Creed Origins, Sonic Forces, and Pokemon Ultra Sun when I have the time. I want to get into Horizon when I have a little extra money.


Finally I got the time to watch your latest video and it was very well explained why you are not comfortable with people taking too much influence in your work. I can totally understand and in a funny way I enjoy the fact that a story "might" come to a point I want it to be but it is not sure and in the end the effect is bigger when I am happy about the result. Well, when it comes to your stories I was never disappointed by a creation you did. There might have been a few works I "not really looked forward to" but still in the most ones you convinced me because of the way you did it. As long as there are some ways to reach you (and here on Patreon it is possible) I am fine. As for the Brooke story (which I still really enjoy and you always hit the nail when it comes to balancing erotism with comedy): Do you intend to keep it going for an undetermined time period or are you thinking about letting it come to an end soon or take a brake to start another side project? As for me there will never be enough of our racoon hero but maybe you got other plans. :-) Have a nice weekend, Jay!