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Ask is something I put together to give the $12 tiers more participation. Right now I've deleted the original "Ask" entry where they can ask questions, in order to let me catch up with the ever-accumulating questions already there. When I get to a good point, I'll put up another Ask entry for the $12 tier and collect more.




Thats something i really wish to see in near future, maybe even in a comic to add to that entire universe. Its pretty clear they have something going on together, and seeing Beth find a partner that likes her and that she finds interesting and appealing is what she deserves


I like Beth.

Glenn Sellers

That's one lucky guy to have Beth as his significant other. She's one beautiful kitty cat.


"And a freak in the sheets"~


she is so damn sexy


Could this potentially be a permanent partner for Beth? Maybe resulting in a "officially-married-on-paper" kind of relationship, or possibly as something less intimate and just officially be in a legally recognized domestic relationship? Orrrrr would they actually and willingly get married and have a big 'ol wedding and everything with a wedding photographer to document their lovey-covey moments?