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Ask is something I put together to give the $12 tiers more participation. Right now I've deleted the original "Ask" entry where they can ask questions, in order to let me catch up with the ever-accumulating questions already there. When I get to a good point, I'll put up another Ask entry for the $12 tier and collect more.




What an unpleasant thing to hear when he is busy having a taste of what's in front of him! :-D Well at least he might just heared the word "scrotum". :-)


Is... is that even... Just holy hell man, holy hell, cheers for Fisk still having his junk attached where it belongs:D


He is doing a good job for her eyes to cross like that,Great work Jay.

Glenn Sellers

LOL. Ouch, the meer thought of that hurts me.


That'd kill your boner. Haha


get back to munching on that sexy pussy man

Alexey Belovolsky

Hmm, Red responded so promptly and in detail about the torture. Has she already seen something similar in one of her missions? I dread to think that the man, who was subjected to Chinese torture ... No, not Fisk, no!


Expected something about domination. Whatever.