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Comic rewards plunge ahead! What a harsh month. September's hurricane really crimped my time, but I managed to finish up The Awakening and I have the first four pages of The Mission to share. The Mission was originally going to be a comic I shared pages from sporadically like Brooke Goes To College, but it ended up being larger than that, and I didn't want to stop doing Brooke pages. The first two pages of The Mission were posted a while ago. I'm framing it as a traditional fantasy quest/party style thing, at least initially. I'm debating making encyclopedic color entries describing the areas and cultures relevant to the story in this world, but I'm also wondering if that would detract or mess with pacing. ANYWAY...

You'll find the .zip files of the completed "The Awakening" comic attached, as well as the beginnings of "The Mission".

The back issue list is unchanged from last month. The Itch will be available as a back issue in December, since the comic was completed in late November of 2016. Wow, time flies!
















I really hope you make the Encyclopedic entries for the Cottonwine Universe, I've longed to see them for a long time. I know you'd make them really detailed and fascinating to read too. I'm sure you'd fine some minor time to devote to them if you made the decision. Regardless I look forward to the new comic pages when I have a moment :)


So how much for Artorias to fall over dead?


I'm sure that you are sick of coloring red pandas by now Jay but I really hope that there will be a picture in the future with that money shot 😀.

Buster Davison

I'd love to see a piece with Charles and his ex. The latter looks super imposing.


Well now i want a comic with Charles and his ex.


I really enjoyed the last comic pages. :-) The next project looks promising and I am curious where the journey is gonna take us. Have a nice evening, Jay!

Avid Reeder

I just want to add to the chorus of comments requesting a comic or even just a panel with Charles and his ex. I loved The Awakening, but I was disappointed that we only *hear* them together, and don't get to *see* his ex, well, resolving the comic. Also? Um... his ex is pretty hot. And it would make sense for Charles to find a way to come out on top of this new situation as he grows into an Alpha Dom. Just a thought. Either way, great content during a hard month. Thank you.


Denying me a panel of Charles and his Ex? I'm wounded, sir.


Yes to "encyclopedic color entries" in The Mission!! ^^ Those could be pages of Cyreth's diary recounting her own travel in the region, paralleling the journey of the missionaries... maybe the novice could have a copy he's looking into when crossing something he's not familiar with. I love the diary format of The Cottonwine Field Notes, with sketchs and maps, fleshing the cultures and political organization of each tribes our favorite elf ranger studied. I loved it so much than a couple of years ago I even wrote a second entry to your story...


Go Gen... I hope with all of my heart that you achieve a flawless victory against Artorius .. and I pray that we get to see Lynnes offer come true... can't get enough of Lynne & Genwyn. =^_^=

Alexey Belovolsky

I was very interested in the comic The Awakening, and therefore I would like to say a few words about it. Until now, I thought that you wanted to create a fairly serious story about alpha males and their "hypnotic" effect on girls. Charles's behavior was overly provocative, especially when he informed Genwyn that he would have to accept that he could induce Lynn to have sex when he wanted. Especially strange was the sudden change in Charles's behavior on page 2. He so abruptly changed his voice and his posture that it seemed to me that at least half a dozen more pages were missing between pages 1 and 2. And only now, when next to this low-level alpha male appeared a much more serious alpha male (obviously, from the Charles’s gym), it became clear to me that the comic is comedic.)) Thanks for another great job! Its last pages brought me the greatest pleasure!


Definitely want to see what happens when Genwyn wins the bet and beats Artorias. Or anything with Lynne and Penny. A comic about their relationship would be great ^_^