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The "Ask" series is garnering a lot of people asking me how they ask their questions. It was a post I made about a month ago to the $12+ tiers (the steering committee), giving them a bit more interaction. I think that entry has 51 questions in the comments section, last I checked, but I've only gotten around to doing about 11 or so since. So, if you're in that tier and you want to go back and find that entry to ask a question, bear in mind that there won't be any instantaneous answers.

I realize I'll probably have to repost this in another month or so.



Is this for everyone, or only the $12+ patrons?


Are we still able to ask questions? Or best to wait for the next Ask?


You're still "able" sure, but I don't know when I can get to all the ones I already have.

Emilien Wild

How about creating a new post every month, and you select questions in it that match your inspiration without guaranteeing to answer everything or doing it chronologically, while allowing people to repost their questions in the next thread if needed? That seems like a good compromise and give a fair shot to every $12+ patrons


But wouldn't there be those who feel continuously ignored or skipped if he did it that way? I think every one should just be patient knowing eventually their question will get answered even if it's months from now.

Nunya Beezwax

just a reminder for something you already know, could just go lineart for the ask stuff so you can get more frames in the answer.


im hoping to become a patreon of ur great art soon.