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Wanted to do this, as I get the inspiration to continue Brooke's tale in black and white. I'd like to treat it as a new kind of webcomic.

The black and white Cottonwine story, I realize, would just drag in this format, since the pages would drip forth at a pace that wouldn't be conducive to the kind of story being told. A regular project is more proper, for it. I may color it and do it as a proper project, as a result.




Aww man I was honestly looking forward to The Mission Comic. Oh well the Brooke one will be cool, I was just enjoying the little we had so far of the comic

MKX Player

A great pic that is accompanied by news that The Mission may be completed as a full comic is awesome news. I'm excited for that.


It would be fun to see how the Brooke comic will play out. there is enough material there for some interesting character interactions. who knows maybe this comic could help you find new ideas for original life.

Major Matt Mason (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 16:52:25 今日は2枚も更新ですか! ありがとうございます! くすぐりの適性は◎ですね!
2017-07-06 22:42:47 You forgot the little cloud of hearts. Here, use some of mine. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

You forgot the little cloud of hearts. Here, use some of mine. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I think Brooke is going to dream again.

Ivory Sai'ee

Love continuation of Brooke, and when you feel inspired, Cottonwine as well ^,^


Exactly how it feels to look at my wife.


So christmas comes early this year! More Brooke works! *.* Dude, that's awesome!