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As someone who is more interested in who I'm with than what we're doing, I can relate.




God I love seeing this happy couple together hehe


Also having full view of the booty during sex.

Hammer of Terra

Haven't seen Elizabeth in aaaages - thanks for this one!


Goals right here.

Goth Skunk

Giant glasses!

Dark Kuno

I love seeing Fisk and Liz. I feel like we don't get to see them enough


I'm So Glad they became a couple!! She would'a been stuck in a loveless marriage with a real asshat if her parents had their way...Fisk would've had girls a'plenty but no deep, meaningful love or a family.


The fact that their hot and heavily into an active sex doesn't hurt either! (Envious!)

Glenn Sellers

For a woman her age, Elizabeth's still looking good. Those three kids of hers, especially one Thomas Black, must give her a regular workout running hither and yon trying to keep up with them.

Buster Davison

I wholeheartedly agree. I'm just glad to see more FiskBeth content in general.


Definitely need more questions to Fisk and Beth


I love whenever Beth and or Fisk are asked a question they always give you a little advice in how to truly have a healthy and happy marriage and or relationship.

Silvador (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 20:10:12 I've missed seeing that curvy mouse! <3
2017-07-03 23:12:17 I've missed seeing that curvy mouse! <3

I've missed seeing that curvy mouse! <3


Nice reply,Nicely done Jay.


Ah, young love. Mine never blossomed so well. Had to suffer many hits and misses b4 finding my Mrs. She had to suffer the same.


It's good to get back to Better Days characters sometimes. There are just so many now and so little time to draw everyone. But I would definitely appreciate a little more!

Dark Kuno

Well, to be fair, so did theres. It took a lot of misses before they finally got together

Buster Davison

It's nice to see this pair, but is there a chance we'll get to see Amy and Austin again? Been a while since you've touched those characters.