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Finally, after two... or three years of waiting (A bit confused about the specific amount of time I had to wait), Confuror finally opened their doors to the public this year! And boy, it was an experience I didn't think I missed this much. There were lots of friends from other countries, people who I've just met and have been very nice to me, it feels incredible to be part of this community for sure!

For those who don't know, Confuror is the biggest Furry convention held in Mexico, and lucky enough it's real close to where I am! So it was a no brainer for me to go attend the con. Plus, it's the only con I'm able to attend due to my lack of documents to go to the US and haven't considered traveling to other countries to check other cons.

I did take some pictures of the event that I'll share in here!

This year's theme was "Día de muertos". There was an altar up with photos of those who aren't with us anymore and to remember them. This theme was also part of Confuror 2021's virtual event, but they still wanted to use this theme for this year's event, and I appreciate that! 2020's theme is still pending now (It was supposed to be Lucha Libre themed) but I'm sure that will be used in a future event!

One of the first events of Confuror on Thursday was a inflatable party! There weren't many inflatables sadly XP but it's the first time something like this was at Confuror! I couldn't miss it! And I'd say this skunk sure made it worth it!

Here are some extra inflatables that were around at that same event:

I hope next year this gets better. I really wanna see more of those cute and big inflatables that I've seen in photos of other cons! (Though that might be a hassle for those who pack a lot and travel).

The room I stayed in had an amazing view of the city! I'm glad I was at the higher floors this year.

...But one could use less contamination in their city, right? e.e

The Dealer's den and Artist Alley was way bigger than before! And boy, sure lots of people came by! And there were so many things I wish I could've bought (Despite the fact that I did, in fact, spent quite a bit in some goodies).

The Dealer's den and Artist Alley was way bigger than before! And boy, sure lots of people came by! And there were so many things I wish I could've bought (Despite the fact that I did, in fact, spent quite a bit in 

And I was at the Artist Alley this year! I couldn't prepare much for this year's because I wasn't even sure what to bring with me, but at least I got some stickers done and had some of my previous work on sale, as well as I was taking some few commissions. 

Sadly I was there only Saturday and not Sunday because I didn't want to miss the fursuit festival and be around for the last events of the con. I did manage to do some commissions! Those might be posted soon in my galleries.

As I said previously, I met lots of people in this con, but I also finally got the chance to meet one of my best friends in person. His name is Evo! He came all the way from Argentina to Confuror and what a sweetheart! It sure was a blast to hang with him and get the chance to see him in his fursuit! (Very huggable bear! Just look at that belly!)

And here's a photo of Evo with Yuri the Opossum, Confuror's mascot!

Speaking of Yuri! There was a brand new activity this year, called "Yuri's quest". In every Conbook, at the last page, there were six blank spaces for stickers that you'd need to collect in order to get a special prize. These six stickers had different methods to be obtained, so you had multiple ways to get them. Luckily, I did get them all! And I got my special prize: A limited edition pin of Yuri's quest! :D

And in order to get the "Yuri's friend" sticker, I had to draw Yuri and post it on social media, which you may or may not have seen it already :P But I'll share it here again.

I'll say this activity was quite fun! I did see people looking everywhere for the "Explorer" sticker, which those were scattered at the con and people really were just missing that one! I got real lucky and saw the sticker during my first day of the con. Let's hope next year gets this activity again or something similar to this.

Oh! I almost forgot! there was an event that me and Licos organized together. We held a Digimon Card Game tournament! It had more participants than I expected. It was very exciting to see the decks people were playing during the event, and acting as a judge was fun! But I wanted to play some matches as well XP but oh well, it was very fun either way. We awarded the first four places with boosters from the EX2 Digital Hazard expansion and extra goodies for the second and first place. Second place got acrylic markers for card effects (Similar to tokens that are used in Pokemon to indicate paralysis, sleep, etc) and first place got a unique playmat designed by myself!

For those interested in which decks won:

-1st Place: Armor Rush
-2nd Place: BlackWarGreymon
-3rd Place: Jesmon
-4th Place: RagnaLoardmon

Hopefully next year we get to do another tournament!

As I said previously, I didn't want to miss on the Fursuit Festival, even if that meant me not being able to set up my Artist Alley spot, so I decided to go and take photos of the event. I even get to help Evo as his Fursuit Handler, which I see now many of the struggles fursuiters get to have when they are wearing theirs and wandering around with limited visibility.

There were more than 300 fursuits present for the group photo! It's crazy to think that what was once something very few people had here in Mexico nowadays it's something more people now have.

...And that pretty much covers what I did during Confuror! I'm still not used to taking photos but I hope to make a little bit more of a habit to do this, especially at cons.

After this event I was left with a big smile on my face. I truly missed this. It's been so long since 2019's event, which was the last in person event before it had to be postponed, that I completely forgot how great of an experience this was, and I really cannot wait for next year! Hopefully more people will come and hopefully I get better prepared for the Artist Alley so I have more things to offer, and practice more my traditional art! I really need to get a good balance of both digital and traditional, especially if I am going to take more commissions next year.

The amount of people who came to this year's even was insane! more than 1,800! It's crazy to think something that started out as a small con here in Mexico grew to be this huge.

Anyway, with all of that said, thank you so much for reading through all of this! I don't get to do this often, but the entire experience was too enjoyable to just keep it for myself. I hope this journal makes it out there for those who didn't know about the event and maybe they decide to join us next time. Either way, I hope you have a great day and thank you for reading!




Oh wow. Seeing all of these photos and reading what yoy did gives a lovely flavour of what a great time that must have been. Really happy you shared it with us! And yes what a lovely belly your roomate had I agree. X> Awesomes stuffs! Glad you had a fantastic time ^v^