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Hello everyone! Thank you for sticking with me so far! I trully appreciate that all of you are still here supporting me and even if you changed the amount to something lower that's fine <3.

It's been a while since I posted stuff here, right? Well, it's mostly because I took WAY too many commissions and I'm still working through these x.x These have been way more than I've ever taken but it sure has helped me. Not like any of this on Patreon hasn't! I just have been way too packed with work since May and it's closer now to be done... but yet there is still a lot to do.

However, that said, I've been leaving behind my Patreon unable to keep up with both commissions and my "exclusive" content here. Usually when I get commissions I just end up focusing on them because I feel the pressure of owing something to people that are already wishing to get their stuff drawn... but what about you guys? You ARE also waiting for me to work on stuff unique for you my patrons and I only bring the same commissions I'm working mostly daily. This is what it has been troubling me as of lately... I'm lacking content here.

If anything, recently I did some art streams where I worked on two suggestions made by patrons and finished them and already posted on the Discord private server (And will post these here eventually), but aside from that... nothing. I feel completely stuck here, without knowing what's the best course of action to take. I have some ideas... but said ideas keep growing and also overlap the other making a mess in my head and making me unsure of what to do or where to even begin.

One of my ideas was to work just on comics. About what? So far I thought of Silver's adventures revolving in him traveling to other dimensions or other places in the same universe and encountering all kinds of people and objects that would get him in different situations, both SFW and NSFW and perhaps even some working around Silver's friends and other lore related stuff to him and others. My problem with this is that I don't even know exactly where to begin, how to plan it out, how to set things in motion, and if so, how I'd make this work out.

Another idea was doing yet again monthly rewards for people who support me, but pictures that wouldn't be too detailed. Could be in a stream... oh! could also stream and just draw what you people suggest me to draw in a sketch or something like that... but then again, my schedule is a bit sporadic so I don't have any good times I can work on streams, but could try. Another thing is that I'd be streaming on Picarto and I don't have any premium suscription so the streams would be public and the suggestions would have to be made on Discord or something.

Can't think of anything else for now... but now I want to touch on Patreon tiers. I currently have the Basic ($3), Midway ($6) and Ultimate($10) tiers. In all honesty the current content I offer have covered only the Basic and maybe the Midway at times when working on some suggestions, but Ultimate? Nothing. I know people has backed up from that tier to the Basic tier and I completely understand. I'm lacking content worth your money and I want to fix that. Either I take away the highest tier and just keep Basic and Midway, or think of an actual good reason to keep the Ultimate tier.

For this, I'd love to hear from all of you of any suggestions or recommendations of what you'd like to see from me. I offered exclusive content to possible 3D art and even game programming stuff I was going to show, but I'm still learning, and I don't think that's still yet relevant for me to offer you as a consumer something low average in regards of quality, so I better stick to what I know so far: Drawing. So, anyone from any tier, feel free to let me know your thoughts and any recommendations you may have for me to learn about so I can make this Patreon a more fitting and rewarding place for all of you. I want to make this worth your money.

Thank you all so much, again, for sticking with me all this way and for reading this!

Please take care! Love you all! <3





I'll go ahead and say it's alright to focus on your comms first dude. I don't think there's any real major rush for Patreon content, and it seems pretty fair to those who paid or are gonna pay a good amount for the art ya make. That said, if you're wanting suggestions for Ultimate tier....... Well, I could personally see a situation where these people may be included in some of your "for fun" content, like the tier says on the site. So say ya drew something where Silver's goofing around with someone. Maybe one of the Ultimates could be that someone, or even be someone helping Silver goof with em. Just some thoughts though. But yeah man, you got this, and there's no need to feel overly pressured on Patreon content. You keep doing you and rock the socks off peoples' days with your talent and friendship!


Focus on or finish your current commission batch first, I think. You took on too many at once, but now you know not to make that mistake again. That said, those are, I assume, already paid for, so they should absolutely be the priority. As for suggestions for Patreon specifically, you could throw up a poll, maybe monthly. Pick a few topics you're particularly interested in drawing, or characters you want to draw, and the different tiers are allotted different numbers of votes (1 for Basic, 2 for Midway, 3 for Ultimate, for example.) For the highest tier, perhaps a sketch for the individuals there, as long as the number doesn't get too large. Not necessary to stream it, either. Another thought I had is to have extra objects in pics themed after an Ultimate Level patron. Like a coffee mug colored after someone--just a tiny detail that won't pile on too much extra work. Regardless, try to not feel too pressured to figure out something right this moment. We like your art, and we like supporting you. You'll figure out something that works!