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Change of Hands

(8:45 Am)
{ Rose's Apartment }

Rose: I'm concerned normally it wouldn't take so long for Ray to arrive. I wish nothing happens to her. With what is going on at work maybe the killer after us next >~<

Rose: Zoey was hurt terribly to. I wish she will be ok. I will try convincing Ray to go and see her at the hospital. I should brew some coffee, Ray will need one when she gets here.

She walks into the kitchen and starts the coffee machine. While she brought out some homemade cookies and muffins. She love making desserts, it was a side hobbit. She was extremely good at.

Rose: This time I really outdid myself! Ray all-time favorite's ^^ Blueberry explosion for the muffins and soft spongy for the cookies.

(12:20 PM)
*ding dong!*

Rose: Oh it must be Ray!

She walks to the intercom.

Rose: Hello?!

Ray: Yo Rose I'm finally here open up.

Rose: Took you long silly. I will open the door.

She walks to the apartment door But something catch her eye. On her dresser there was a bra that wasn't one of hers. She panically opens the door and run to grab the bra.

Rose: (Did she really came home with me the previous night and she forgot her bra here to tease me. >\\\< man! Massa really something I wish I could have her number. I don't want Ray to know about this right now, she won't ever believe that.)

As she picks up the bra a paper fell from it.

Rose: Huh? A paper?

She develops it there was something written on it.

Rose reading the note: To my dear Rose. If you read that note it means you found my bra. Heehee I wish you love our night and that you will want more of me. I left it there so you could remember how much fun we had and as a memory of us enjoying our self-completely naked boobs bouncing at each other. ;3 Heehee I'm sure your face red right now love you.

---Massa your sexy 9 tails kitsune goddess

Ray: Oh, that's Rose for you. Did you forget to put on a bra again?? Heehee what this paper in your hand?

She snatches the letter Massa left to Rose.

Rose: Wait! Don't its personal! >\\\\\<

She rips the letter from Ray's hands placings it in her bra.

Ray: Woowow heehee I didn't know we had secrets now ^^.

Rose: It's not! I just don't want to talk about today >\\\\<.

As they both walk to the kitchen and sit down at the table.

Ray: Oh, I can smell the coffee, your the best Rose ^^.

Rose: Yes, I did brew some coffee and also your favorite's desserts wish you will love them ^^.

Ray: Man if you were not a girl. I would so much be in heaven, you work in the same place as me. You and I have a lot in common and your cooking is the best!! Oh, do you mind I will borrow you washroom nature call XD.

Ray stood up leaving her purse on the table.

Rose: I wish I could have the courage to communicate her how I feel.

As she said that, a bright purple green light flash from Ray's purse.

Rose: Huh? What's flashing in her purse?

Curious as ever Rose open up Ray purse. She see the light was coming from a Mask that she had in her hand the other day.

Rose: I imagine why Ray appreciates you. Your all flashy and pretty too. Maybe if I put it on Ray would catch sight of me more interested hahaha.

As she flips it over to face the inside flash a bright purple green light again. Rose stood up in confusion.

Rose: Hmmm, it shined like in the purse how??

She Hypnotize by it and couldn't let her eyes off it. She gradually introduced the mask to her face. Not even an inch closes it jumps right at her face. It pushing her head and causing her lose balance. The mask started to feel like wax softening stretching every corner of itself to submerge her head.

She regaining consciousness from the hypnotic power the mask captured her in. She start to panic and grabbing the mass. It was currently halfway covering her head and then she pulls hard not wanting it to go even further. She tightly hold the now purple-green rubbery skin like mass. It was almost off her face but it wiggled away from her hands. It slam back so hard on that she trip and fall on the floor.

Rose: What's going?! I I I I CANT GET IT OFF ME!!!! HELP ME!!

But nothing could be heard the rubbery mass was not letting a sound out. She was scratching the purple-green mass, light and smoke of the same color were coming off. The mass green lock tight at the back of her head. All sides of the mask fused completely together not allowing a single sweet hair of hers out.

Rose still struggling to bring it off her pull once more strongly but the heat and pain of the purple silky rubber skin was causing her. Slowly turning in pleasure making impossible to maintain a grip on it. Rose never felt so good in her life except when she met Ray. As her thoughts were warp around this feeling, Rose moan as she had an orgasm. Purple smoke started to form around her and swirling wind engulfs both her and the smoke to form a twister spinning in the kitchen. The force of it made her clothes fly all over the place not letting a single piece on her body.

Purple-black lightning stroke the human size twister. Making it so we could see her body being slowly morphing by it. Her silky luscious legs turn in muscular, curvy hotter version. Her waist grew two more inches. As her ass follow the flow and jiggly in a firm sexy tight one. Her slime smooth belly grew in a hot sexy feminine 6 pack. Her boobs bounced right and left getting even bigger and firm.

A Howling of pleasure came out of the twister. As it got even more violent another one lightning stroke. Letting us have a gleam of her body having new adds. Dark purple tails  came out,  two lovely dark purple fox ears gradually replace her human ears. Now on top of her purple rubbery bald head. One last spin her hair sprung out to reveal the blonde-orange hair turn a black toned purple shine.

The mask was at its the pike of the transformation. Slowly forming around her head give it a shining purple rubbery skin. Her jaw more pronounced her cheeks slightly more sharp looking. Her lips developing a greenish lime make up all luscious and shiny you could barely take your eyes off them. The Final touch was her plain brown eyes turn in a bright penetrating silver blue on the right eye and the left one a gold green passionate.

The Twister stop revealing her new hot body. Her old not fitting clothes came back on her. But every piece of clothes were merging into a mass to develop a hot new one piece. No bra no undies just one hot naughty suit tightly taking form around her sexy new body forcing every sharp corner of it even more sexier.

The suit itself was a tight zero suit looking like the one the hot bounty hunter in her manga's. A silky tight suit with a big v shape neckline going all the way down to her sexy newly form abs. Showing a considerable portion of her naughty vixen pair of boobs.

Mean while Ray was coming out at the same time the last lighting stroke and made a terrific bang! Ray scarred for her friend rush to see what was going. As she got there the unique thing she saw was a hot dark purple sexy kitsune. Standing in the middle of the leaving room and she was looking straight at her.

???: OH ?! Love finally your out! Grrrrr you look as sexy as my dreams could show me.

Previous Chapter ^^

To be continued...


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