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As the free battle map this month I have for you guys something that's inspired by one particular video game inn that I'm sure it's familiar to a lot of you in it's layout: The Sleeping Giant Inn.

It's not a completely faithful recreation, but I wanted to capture the spirit of the inn the most, especially since there's many inns Skyrim that share a similar layout.

So let your players have a drink and then have a good brawl. And if need be they can take the battle outside too!



Dread Maps

Well done 🙏🏼 but if I may offer some minor critiques? No windows in the rooms, interesting. no wash or outhouse is pretty funny also. And the innkeeper sleeps in the same windowless tiny room? Tbf I’m not a stickler on these points and it is fine without... Especially with a free map.


woud love to see another tavern made a much bigger with with 2 floors would be so cool to have! i love your work