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The grand finale is here! What great mysteries are gonna be unrevealed?

I really really REALLY hope you guys enjoyed this.

(The girl in the image is Bella Poarch as "Lexi")




The door opens with an eerie creak, and on the other side was something that they weren’t expecting.

The room was painted purple and gold, it even had the same engravings as well; however, it was also withered just like the hallway. Stacks upon stacks of papers were coving the two corners closest to the door. Most bizarrely was that almost everything was cut in half. The clock was in half, but the hand still moves to the part that was missing. The gramophone that was playing the music was in half, even the vinyl disc was in half; the music briefly stops playing when the needles play on the missing part. The mirror on the wall was in half without being cracked.

At the middle back of the room was the top hat-wearing mad man they were expecting. Willy Wonka. He was sitting down with a purple gloved hand on his face while scribbling something down on a piece of paper. The table seemed like the only thing that wasn’t in half. A massive window was behind him showing a massive snowy mountain. The man looked tired; did he write all these papers in one sitting? What was on them?

Kage took a foot forward and landed in some sticky blue stain on the purple carpet, it made an uncomfortable squish as he put his foot down. When he turned his head to look at the table, Wonka was already looking at him.

“Yeah, I was meaning to clean that up at some point, but I got side-tracked.” He spoke. Kage didn’t move an inch.

“You all may as well come in; I was guessing you were all going to get here.” He continued.

Kage slowly walks into the room, then Lexi who was latched onto his arm. Her blue hips slightly grazed the doorway. Charlie and Briana walked in next, hand in hand. Jessica walked in next with her ballooned tits taking all the doorway: with one big push she got free. Cali got stuck as expected, which took Jessica to get her free.

“I should probably get a bigger door in advance.” Wonka sarcastically said.

“I’ll slam the door on your face when I get my hands on ya!” Eva threatened him, but he just looked unamused. It took several moments for Eva’s gargantuan hips to get unstuck. Now everyone is in the room.

“So… who wants to start?” Wonka said.

“How do we get out of the factory?” Kage asked sternly.

“Really? Going with the final question for the first question? I would have thought there would have been some build-up questions like, how do you make your chocolate so light and frothy.” He replied.

“You said that you mixed by a waterfall like five times.” Cali jumped in.

“Nice to see someone was listening.” He joked; before Kage could ask him again, someone else asked him something.

“Why do your lure people into an experiment on them?” Charlie asked him.

“I would have thought that you would have known since you are my right-hand man.” He said without a care in the world.

“I’m not buying that you just use them to test your products on them. There is something else.” He insisted.

“Well, my dear boy, you are right.” He answered. They waited for him to elaborate but he didn’t say anything.

“Is it to do with that?” Briana pointed at the blue stain on the floor. Wonka looked at the stain with a strange expression on his face, was he… nervous?

“Everything in the factory is spotless except for this place, and I'm willing to bet that you weren’t going to clean it up with the state of the rest of this place.” She pointed out. His breathing became weird for a second.

“How is any of this even possible?” Eva interrupted.

“Anything is possible if you try hard enough” He simply said.

“That’s not a good answer!” She insisted.

“Even if I told you how the factory works, or the very reason that you are half pear, half-human, you wouldn’t believe me.” He explained.

“Try us,” she said.

“Very well.” He said before going under his desk. Sounds of clicking came under the table. Everyone took a step forward but stopped when a large metallic sound echoed in the room, like someone opening a safe. Wonka lifted himself back on the purple-leathered chair.

“This is the reason.” He placed a strange-looking box on the table. This box didn’t look like it belonged in the factory; it was decorated in strange runes that went along the edges. The box was mostly hollow with the exception of a ball-shaped object in the center. This ball was emitting a purplish glow and a deafening low rumble. It surely looked magical, like it shouldn’t even exist.

“Uhh… What is that?” Jessica asked.

“I call it the Artifact… or the Relic. I never really found out what it was called originally.”

“You are telling me that all of this is caused by a weird box?” Eva crossed her arms.

“Think of it as Pandora’s Box.” He replied.

“You didn’t say how it causes any of this to happen,” Kage said.

“This holds immense power, and using that power, I can make things that shouldn’t be possible in our reality.” He described.

“That’s a pretty weak description for something that looks like it came from a superhero film,” Briana mentioned.

“Fine then. This box is a link between two realities. Ours and what is on the other side. And on this ‘other side’ the rules are different. Things that shouldn’t be possible, are possible. Things that shouldn’t exist, do exist. And this device is the key to getting there. I use it to get the ambient energy into our reality; to make whatever I want with it.”

“Hold up. You are saying there are multiple realities?” Cali asked confusingly.

“Like a multiverse?” Lexi joined in.

“In some sort of way, yes.” He plainly answered.

“I’m guessing that is why time is so weird in this place.” Briana theorized.

“This… another place, mutates everything it touches, changing the very state of matter, re-writing cells and DNA to its own liking. Like mutating a person into some fruit.” Wonka continued.

“What? Like Us?” Lexi pointed to herself and Eva.

“Well, if someone were to be stuck in a place for long enough, their transformation would be way more extreme.” He theorized.

“Perhaps they would continue swelling up, maybe to a size of a city, maybe they literally transform into some fruit, leaving no trace of a human behind. Or they could always just ex-….” Wonka paused himself.

“Explode?” Lexi sounded pretty scared at his explanation.

“Ummm… No… They never explode. I have no idea why.” Wonka seemed troubled by something.

“Then why would you experiment it on people? That’s a pretty sick thing to do.” Eva implied.

“It wasn’t initially that. When I found it, I used it to make the best candy the world has ever seen. Everlasting gobstoppers, hair toffee, fizzy lifting drinks, the world's biggest chocolate bar, three-course meal in a stick of gum, bubblegum that allows you to blow massive bubbles, and on and on. Besides, did you think the Oompa Loompas came from a place called Loompa Land?”

“So… what changed,” Lexi asked.

His eyes darted towards Lexi as if he had the greatest comeback at the ready, but for some reason, his eyes slowly drifted away.

“Are you deaf? What happened?” Eva insisted. Still, the chocolatier was in a trance of his own making.

“I think you broke him”, Kage whispered to Lexi. Wonka suddenly snapped back to reality after hearing the faint whispering.

“Huh? Oh! Sorry, I am having quite a lot of flashbacks as of late.”

“Flashbacks?” Jessica asked curiously.

“Of what?” Briana added.

“Jesus Christ, just tell us how to get the hell out of here!” Eva yelled in a fit of frustration. Wonka turned to look at the bottom-heavy girl.

“Why do you want to go?” Wonka surprisingly said.

“You purposely changed all of us into balls of fat and juice! You kept us in a jail cell for god knows and now you want to know why we want to leave!!!” Eva yelled furiously; drips of green sweat were running down her forehead. Lexi grabbed her arm.

“Calm down! This isn’t going to make stuff better.” Lexi tried her best.

“Why!? Look at what he did to you!” Eva screamed at her friend.

“Actually, you are the reason why Miss Lexi is a blueberry if you were being truthful.” Wonka crossed his arms.

“Shut Up!” She shrieked at Wonka; her eyes were tearing up. Lexi swiftly pulled her away to try and calm her down again.

“Strange how people can never expect the consequences of their actions” Wonka spun on his chair to look at his snowy mountain through the window.

“And you expect no consequences for experimenting on innocent people?” Kage went over to his chair and forcibly swung it back around.

“They all did it to themselves, besides, almost all of them aren’t innocent. The very first tour guests weren’t innocent. A gluttonous German boy, an overly prideful gum-chewing girl, a greedy posh girl, an ignorant know-it-all boy… and him.” Wonka pointed towards Charlie.

“Why? What did he do wrong?” Cali asked.

“Why don’t you tell him?” Wonka asked.

Charlie was like a deer in headlights, he wanted to say something, but the words aren’t coming out. He walked away swiftly to wipe his eyes suddenly. Briana was quickly behind him very faintly asking him “Are you okay?”. Wonka rolled his eyes.

“Fine, I’ll tell them. He won a prize at the end for being the least rotten out of the tour, as well as being the only one left on the tour of course.” Wonka started to explain.

“Because you changed them?” Cali interrupted.

“Augustus Gloop couldn’t handle his own gluttonous needs and fell into the river; you know what that feels like.” Wonka snapped back. Cali averted her gaze from him as she remembered that moment long ago.

“Verruca Salt wanted everything she could get her hands on, which lead her down to the trash shoot.” Wonka continued.

“Mike Teevee thought that he was better than everyone because he was smart but clearly dumb enough to get himself shrunken down to the size of a phone.” He carried on

“Violet Beauegarde was fuelled by her pride and ego and couldn’t resist having a taste of my Three-Course Meal Gum… which turned her into a blueberry” He leaned over to tell the last part to Lexi, who turned to look at him.

“And Charlie… abandoned his family to work with me.” He said bluntly.

The room fell silent. The group gave their glances to Charlie who had his head in his hands, Briana is trying her best to make him keep it all together, to no avail.

“That’s what I thought,” Wonka said disappointingly.

“Just tell us how to get out of here.” Kage was fed up, he was running out of patience with the mad chocolatier.

“Don’t you think I have tried that before?” Wonka stated.

“There is only one way out.” He continued.

“Where?” Eva composed herself finally, her eyes were slightly red. She was too running out of patience as well.

“There.” Wonka pointed to the strange box again.

“You’re saying there is a way to reverse this? Using the thing that brought that… magic, here?” Briana turned to face Wonka.

“I didn’t really think of that possibility, you would most likely have to endure a lot of bad things to achieve such a goal… if that goal even exists that is.” Wonka theorized.

“So, how does a weird-looking box get us out of here?” Jessica tilted her head.

“You go inside it.” Wonka surprisingly said.

“Uhh… I don’t think you realized that no one could get in that, and the last people who probably could be us girls.” Eva complained.

“This artifact is capable of many things, such as opening a gateway for a single soul to step into the world beyond.” Wonka preached.

“Wouldn’t that just… change… whoever entered it.” Charlie finally spoke, wiping tears from his eyes.

“Possibly, but if you could endure it for long enough, you could find a way to stop the mutation affecting our reality, prevent the factory from shifting and changing, find the way out… but then again, that may still other effects from its actions,” Wonka explained.

“How so?” Kage asked.

“Almost all of you have been changed by the energy made by this very device, if you got rid of the world that made it, it will also disappear in this world… what do you think will happen to you? You think your bodies can handle your changes without the mutation?” Wonka continued.

“…There is no way out.” Lexi sadly guessed.

“No! There has to be!” Kage said rather loudly.

“What do you even think will be waiting for you outside?” Wonka stood up from his purple chair.

“Depending on if you get back to your homes, you were already replaced. You are showing up to the doorsteps of your families and friends in your state will only bring them confusion and heartache.” Wonka stepped around his desk.

“And what would happen then? Spend days being shown by the gazes of people looking at you? Your deformed bodies would be the talk of the entire world. There would be nowhere to hide, and no one to help you because of what you are.”

“You all probably never see each other after that.”

“There is nothing for you out there.” He stated.

“But in here? You have everything, extended life, magical wonders that you can’t experience out there, enough sweets and candy for several lifetimes! You could do anything!” He yelled.

“A world beyond your imagination!” He preached to the heavens.

“It’s just a fantasy,” Lexi replied quietly.

“A living fantasy.” Wonka insisted.

“A place you can be with everything that you love,” Wonka spoke directly at Lexi, who had a terrible shiver that went up to her back, causing her body to jiggle.

“A man like you can’t possibly be able to love anyone.” Kage sated rather boldly. Wonka’s expression changed that of something cold.

“In a matter of fact, there was someone who I did.” Wonka reached under the table.

It happened way too fast.

Something hard pushed him from behind, like he was hit by a truck and was now flying through the glass of the window. It shattered instantly into tiny shards, and now he was falling. The feeling was like being pushed into a Sky-Drive without a parachute, knowing that there is nothing that can help you now. His body flipped several times before it stopped in the perfect place to see where he was sent flying from. The temperature was servery cold, the artificial winds from mount fudge were biting at all of his exposed skin. But in reality, he couldn’t even feel anything, he couldn’t even breathe. The sudden shock rocked his world, all his plans, all his hopes and dreams, his friendships. Gone, just like that. There was nothing else than the jagged floor below.

But… something happened that he didn’t expect.

A sudden cry called out his name, then another calling out… Lexi?

The blue girl jumped out of the window after him! The blueberry girl fell faster and was gaining distance. Kage’s eyes widen. What the hell was she doing!? It was like something out of a movie, something like this shouldn’t even be possible! Lexi was a few meters away from her love, reaching with both hands.

The floor was vastly approaching.

He watched her, taking in every little detail, like it was the final time that he was going to see her. She didn’t look scared, she looked desperate. Tears were streaming down her face, then into the air. The cold wind was causing her body to wobble intensely. Her hair became untied and was flowing freely in the harsh cold. She was willing to put her life on the line for someone like him.

She finally snatched him in her arms and started screaming as they spiraled towards the ground. Her head lay on his chest, tears still flowing. He grabbed onto her with as much strength as he had.

They passed the summits of the smaller peaks of the mountain; the floor is very close.

“LEXI!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Kage screamed; Lexi kept shrieking for her life.

Then something felt even more off… she was swelling up! He saw her body becoming more balloon-like than the regular chunky shape. Her legs swelled up FAST, along with her ass and belly, inflating in a matter of seconds. The swelling carried up towards her chest, ballooning out her breasts as she kept a tight grip on her lover. Her arms started to puff up and she pulled him even closer. Kage sunk into his girlfriend’s blue juice-filled body. He still felt her plumped arms holding him.

The snowy floor, scattered with hard dark brown fudge spikes meters away from them.

Lexi felt the frostbite set in as her favorite clothes began to spread. Her body was looking too full and had no intention of slowing down. She didn’t even realize what her body was doing, she just wanted to hold him for the last time; there was nothing in this world that was going to stop her from having that.

And then they hit the floor.





But then they were back in the air again.

The blueberry girl yelled in utter discomfort as her body slammed against the ground then lifted back up, like a basketball. A huge spray of juice came from her nipples and nether regions, drastically making her body less tight. Her clothes exploded off her as she was flung into the heavens, completely naked.

They were still flying up! They pasted several of the smaller peaks before Kage was able to turn his head to get a look at what the hell is happening. He couldn’t see much due to his face being absorbed into his girlfriend’s bountiful breast, but he did see the broken window. How!? Did Lexi seriously bounce in such a state? The world spun around the couple. Ground, sky, ground, sky; not that it mattered to Lexi for she had her eyes shut. It didn’t take long for Kage to realize that they were arcing… right back into Wonka’s office!

Kage has a few glimmers of his friends in shock, before running to one side of the room to avoid the massive blue ball heading their way.


Lexi smashed back into the room with immense force, causing more juice to come out of her like a flood. She cried out again with her eyes still sealed shut. Kage was still stuck in her chunky arms, his senses still rocked by the impact. Her rounded body was wedged sideways, her head close to the shattered window. He could have sworn he heard the other girls scream out in terror as well, he couldn’t really blame them. The dust eventually settled, and he swore the plump figures coming to them.

“Holy shit! Are you okay!” Eva exclaimed.

“What the hell happened to you guys!” Cali joined in.

“Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god!” Jessica panicky repeated.

“That’s Impossible! How did you do that!” Briana almost sounded amazed.

“How are you guys not dead!” Charlie added.

Their questions were halted by the whimpers of the poor blue girl, pouring her eyes out. She shifted Kage closer to her head so she could see him. Her eyes slowly opened, she prayed that he was still in her arms when she opens them. Her eyes were red as more tears came pouring out as she found out that they were both alive. She tried to say something.

“Are… A-are you o-okay?” Lexi cried in a whisper. She was trembling; her servery-bloated body shook and jiggled.

Kage looked deep into her eyes… and kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her head and embraced her with every inch of love he could muster. The love of his life saved his life. They both wished that it could go on forever but then a small cough stopped Lexi as she inhaled some of the leftover dust. He quickly waved the dust, blowing it away from Lexi’s tearful face. They locked eyes again, he saw the same sparkle in her eyes when he first met her.

“Are you okay? H-haha.” Kage whispered a joke. He found it slightly funny now that his overly swollen juice-filled girlfriend that is taking almost all the room, wants to know if he’s okay. He heard some tearful giggles behind him; it looks like the emotions got the girls as well.

“H-how?” A voice wheezed behind him.

Kage turned to see Wonka stagger to his feet, taking in some deep breaths before falling onto his upturned table. The chocolatier was covered in dust and lost his top hat. His purple jacket had been torn by the impact. He stumbled to his feet again, but to succession.

“H-How?” He wheezed but more clearly.

A burning feeling was welling up inside Kage when he saw the mad man that almost cost him his girlfriend’s life and his own. An inferno of rage was clouding him. He stood up from Lexi’s side and slowly approached him. His mind was overflowing with the things he wanted to do to him; his breathing became much faster. Wonka was still shaken by what happened, he must have thought it wasn’t possible. He must have thought that he and Lexi would have just been a splat on the cold ground. The girls tended to Lexi, mostly because they don’t want to see what happens next.

Kage’s eyes filled with the darkness again, as his body changed shape, texture, everything. The colors drained saturation until they are just black, grey, and white. The skin was dissolving and reforming, releasing a black mist that swarmed around him. His hair retreated back into his head, leaving a black crack that went down the left side of his face. Straight down towards the mouth which had become crooked. Within mere moments all familiar figures had materialized. The Shape.

Its empty eyes locked onto Wonka as it grabbed him by the jacket and lifted him up. It threw him over to the shattered window with ease. He moaned as he hit the ground hard on his arm. He tried to get up to his feet but before he could, The Shape was in front of him. It raised its hand slightly and from its fingertips… a bolt of lightning struck Wonka’s leg. He cried out in agony as he lost all control over that leg. It fired again at his other leg, forcing him to stand up. He cried out again, holding the leg he can’t move. The Shape closed the distance between it and the mad chocolatier. For a moment they paused to stare at each other… before The Shape planted its foot into Wonka’s chest, sending him flying into the abyss.

His expression wasn’t that of someone scared to know that they were going to die, no. He looked, confused; like how could this happen? What could he have done to deserve that? His body disappeared into a wispy cloud and into the unknown.

It stood there, staring down the void. Eva, Cali, and Jessica were huddled around Lexi, terrified. Briana hid behind Charlie who had his arms wide in a defensive way, also terrified. Surprisingly, the only one not scared out of their mind was Lexi.

“Kage.” She whimpered under her breath.

The Shape didn’t move.

“Kage.” She whimpered a bit louder.

It still remained motionless.

“Please, Kage,” She cried quietly, fresh tears coming down her blue face.

The Shape turned towards her. Its crooked smile wasn’t there, for once the blank face had, emotion. Despite how messed up it appeared, it actually looked scared. It looked like it had no idea what to do. Lexi raised her overly inflated arm towards the entity, shaking as she didn’t have the strength to keep it up for long.

“Please” She pleaded. The Shape slowly stepped towards her. Eva jolted backward, sending her tumbling over onto her massive behind, along with Cali and Jessica; fearful of what is happening. It knelt down beside her, and she raised her dainty blue hand to caress its face. It felt cold, hard, and rough against her soft, elegant soft hands. All she wanted was him.

The wispy pupils ignited when she touches its skin. She softly smiled and brought it closer to her. She rested her head atop it and tried her best to cradle it, even if its skin felt like sandpaper against hers; she didn’t care, they were finally safe. She’d been embracing it for so long that she didn’t realize that The Shape had disappeared into Kage once more.

“What do we do now?” She asked.





A long time later…

“Hold up, you are telling me you can still do the splits?!” Kage sounded astonished.

“How the hell is that possible?” Cali added.

“I could do them before easily, but after I got this…” Eva slapped her ass, making a wave run across it.

“…I thought, why not? How hard could it be?” She continued.

“It must have been harder for sure.” Jessica insisted.

“Surprisingly it’s easier.” Eva laughed.

“How!?” Lexi asked.

“All this juice is good when you impact the floor.” Eva laughed again, making the whole table laugh. It felt like good times.

“Mmmm.” Cali hummed in delight.

“What was that?” Eva giggled.

“This steak is really good!” Cali beamed.

“Yeah, we can tell, haha.” She snickered, as she pointed out that the table was raised on one side due to a certain someone’s swelling gut.

“If you find food that doesn’t cause this to happen, please let me know.” Cali pushed her belly, causing the table to rock.

“By any chance you want me to make that smaller again?” Kage joked.

“No, no! It’s fine!” Cali nervously laughed.

“Besides you already deflated me once today,” Cali added.

“That reminds me to put a tarp over the river at some point,” Kage replied.

“Hey! I didn’t fall in it this time!” Cali gave a playful punch to the side of Kage.

“Cali, You were eating the damn dirt,” Eva stated.

“It was chocolate dirt!” Cali exclaimed. They all just chuckled; Cali was a whole other person when she was hungry.

“By the way, where’s Charlie and Bre? I thought they would be joining us.” Jessica pointed out while wrapping her plump lips on a glass of wine.

“They are doing stuff in that office again; I’m guessing they are also eating there. I’ll give them a call,” Kage pulled out a walkie-talkie and fiddle with the controls to turn it on.

“Mr. and Mrs. Bucket, are you there?” Kage teased.

“Hey what do you mean by that?” Charlie’s voice called out from the other side; they could hear Briana laughing in the background.

“Guess that answers that question, I’m guessing you’re not guessing you won’t be joining us for food,” Kage predicted.

“No, sorry. We have been going through a lot of reports and documents about the others here and we kinda lost track of time. So, I and Bre are having our food here.” Charlie described.

“Oooooooooo! Is it a date?” Lexi excitedly suggested.

“Oh my god! Are they on a date!” Jessica equally excited joined in.

“It’s not a date!” Charlie yelled out of the speaker. They could have sworn they heard Briana saying “Wait, it’s not a date?”, vaguely.

“Don’t mind them, what about these reports and stuff, you found where to find the next few?” Kage changed the subject.

“Uhh, yeah, one sec.” The sound of papers shuffling crackled through the speaker.

“I found the location of a red-headed Blueberry called Natasha in a Juicing room that’s been used for extraction for quite a long time.” He suggested.

“A Watermelon that’s been left in a tasting room after it swelled up and destroyed the room.” He carried on.”

“Another blueberry called Hannah that has… turned into a blueberry from a VR machine? What?” He said confusingly.

“That one seems interesting,” Kage replied.

“And the final one is surprisingly one we heard of, a Hyper called Bianca used for extraction in an improvised milking room. Vanessa’s Bianca.” He explained.

“Really? I want to see the look on her face when she sees Vanessa” He laughed.

“I’ll send them down to you tomorrow, then I’ll see how to work these damn cameras.” He ended.

The subject changed as the table was rocking again, this time caused by the resident busty blonde trying to adjust her impossibly huge rack to have a chance of actually eating her meal.

“You need a hand, Jess?” Lexi grabbed her plate so it wouldn’t fall off, all while trying not to laugh.

“It’s… a bit tough to get in a comfortable position and eat my food at the same time.” She whined.

“Have you tried like… forcing whatever is inside you to somewhere else?” Lexi suggested.

“Wait, that’s possible?” Eva tilted her head.

“Yeah! Like this!” Lexi proceeded to push her chair back so that they all could see. She wrapped her arms around her ballooned belly and squeezed it, making a motion like she was squeezing it upwards. After a few adorable sounds of her trying, “BLOOOMP!”. The blue girl’s breasts jumped several cup sizes as her belly jumped down a few sizes!

“Holy shit!” Eva exclaimed.

“We can do that?” Cali asked in excitement, attempting to wrap her own chubby arms around her monster-sized belly.

“Uhhhh, I’m not sure I could move all this milk, maybe my ass could need a little pumping up?” Jessica looked over her shoulder while biting on her fingernail.

“Maybe Kage could shrink them down a little-“ Lexi suggested before…

“Screw it.”

Jessica grabbed her ginormous breasts and slammed them on the table, causing plates and cutlery to fly. How this table is not broken is a miracle in itself.

“Jess!” Eva yelled.

“Ah… That’s better.” Jessica said with relief.

“You almost got your milk all over my food!” Eva yelled again.

“That’s not true! I’m not even leaking yet.” Jessica said with a playful expression.

“The giant wet patch on that top says otherwise.” Lexi pointed out with a giggle. The unnaturally large puffy nipples were in fact pulsating. They could visibly see fresh milk slowly coming out.

“If that thing explodes milk all over me, imma freak out.” Eva scooted back in her extra-large chair.

“I think we are tea now” Kage laughed.

“What do you mean tea? It’s dinner.” Jessica argued.

“Uhh, no, I think it’s tea.” Eva agreed with Kage.

“Wait, really? I thought it was dinner?” Lexi backed Jessica.

They then proceeded to have a pretty lengthy argument about something as silly as dinner vs tea, despite forgetting that they come from different parts of the world; only stopping when Jessica was making a literal pool of milk on the table. They all decided that tea… or dinner, was done so after they cleaned up Jessica’s little leak, they all went to their rooms. Lexi went into hers and Kage’s room while he checks on the girls to see if they needed a hand with anything; aside from Cali’s request for a stronger king-sized bed, they were fine. Kage entered his room to find Lexi not there.

“Lexi?” He called out.

The sound of heavy breathing and panting was coming out of their bathroom, which was ajar. What is she doing in there?

“Oh jeez, It’s not stopping!” She panted on the other side of the door. Kage slowly opened the door to see all the commotion.


Lexi was caught in a pretty embarrassing position. Her face, despite it being blue, was turning very red as she realized that she was seen over the toilet holding her drenched crotch, with blue juice staining her turquoise tracksuit pants. A dark wet patch stretched from her swollen nether region down to her shins. She didn’t even realize that her breasts were leaking as well. They locked eyes for a solid five seconds before either of them did something.

“Oh! Uhh… Sorry! Go back to whatever you were doing.” Kage quickly said before closing the door, feeling equally as embarrassed as well.

“K-Kage! Wait! It’s not what… oh god… Its not what it looks like!” Lexi yelled.

“If you wanna do that then please do, Im okay with it, im not gonna interrupt you again!” He yelled in response.

“What? N-no! I’m not doing THAT!” Lexi tried to explain herself.

“You’re not? Did you just not make it to the bathroom in time then?” Kage theorized.

“No! But uhh… that also happened too.” Lexi felt awful.

“Then what were you doing?” Kage took a few steps closer to the door again.

“I… I wanted to know I could juice myself.” She pleaded.

He opened the door gently to see her now sitting on the toilet, sniffling to herself. She did look bigger than what she was at the table; one of her ass cheeks was pressed against the wall. Her tracksuit jacket was now just covering her vast leaky breasts, letting her large soft tummy be free. The sounds of droplets hitting the water filled the room, as she was still letting off juice into the toilet, which was also stained blue.

“What do you mean juicing yourself?” He asked caringly. The poor blue girl like she was gonna burst into tears. She averted her gaze from him, she couldn’t bear the shame she was feeling. Kage swiftly got to her side.

“Hey, baby-berry.” He said gently to her, placing his hand on her adorable blue face to make her look at him. It was a little lovely nickname he gave her.

“What do you mean by juicing yourself? I can make you smaller?” Kage softly explained.

“B-But what about when you aren’t here? Like on one of your adventures with some of the other girls?” She mumbled.

“You get to be on those adventures too, silly.” He smiled.

“Not all the time, I have to stay here. I… I just wanted to know if I could, in case of… I get too big.” She spoke clearer, a single tear dropped from her eye. Kage wiped her eye, then caress her face. She had a fair point, she would have to wait for a long time completely immobile for him to return; it's not like the other girls could help get her smaller, they probably won’t know what to do in that situation. He couldn’t blame them.

“I’m proud of you” He softly spoke. Her eyes lit up with the all too familiar sparkle.

“Wha, What?” She asked astonished by his response.

“I usually am the main source of deflating you and our friends. I didn’t really think what happens if I wasn’t there if you were at your maximum. I’m proud that you are trying to find a way to do that all by yourself. Take really good care of yourself.” Kage proudly said. Lexi couldn’t help but smile, the sweetest of smiles you could imagine.

“Aww, stop. You are going to get me all weepy, dummy.” Lexi laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes. She didn’t have time to react when Kage snuck in for a quick kiss on her lips, before fleeing the bathroom, which left her shocked again.

“Hey! You ain’t going to get away that easily! Let me kiss you back!” Lexi yelled out.

“Clean yourself up, and maybe you can get me back.” Kage laughed.



Lexi eventually emerged out of the bathroom, dawning just a huge black bra and black panties. Hair tied back into her signature ponytail. She chucked the stained tracksuit into the washing bin, which was also filled with juice-stained clothes.

“Hey, you look smaller!” Kage pointed out, well tucked into their king-sized bed.

“I don’t feel smaller?” Lexi confusingly replied, looking at herself all over before looking at her massive perfectly shaped ass over her shoulder.

“I must have let out gallons of it and I don’t look any different.” She observed.

“Well, it’s a start.” Kage looked on the bright side.

He watched as his bloated girlfriend made her way to her side of the bed, her body wobbling as each step was made. Her body was looking more bottom-heavy than usual, her hips were unusually big. He couldn’t help but see that her panties looked way more filled out; he guessed that she couldn’t get all the juice out of there. She sat on the bed, which made the bed sink deep, making Kage roll into her.

“Hey! Get on your side of the bed!” She laughed.

“It isn’t my fault that your weight pulled me into that ass of yours.” Kage joked.

“Well, it’s not the worst place to be, right?” She surprisingly teased.

“You know it isn’t” He teased back.

They both laughed before Lexi rolled into the bed, which was squeaking for its life. She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her plump arms around him. He didn’t want to say but he swear she was leaking still; but they were both too comfortable, it wasn’t the first time the bed was completely soaked during the night. They wrapped themselves in the soft blanket; it looked like there were two giant beach balls hiding under there. Lexi cooed as she got relaxed.

“Good night, baby-berry.” Kage lovingly said.

“Good night” Lexi replied with a smile that could melt anyone’s heart, before closing her eyes.

“…dummy.” She playfully added.

He rolled his eyes and got himself comfortable. He wrapped his arms around his blueberry love and laid his head back onto the pillow. A soft purple light was illuminating the room, he thought that Lexi was becoming a glow-berry again, but no… it was from the artifact that Wonka was on about a long time ago. He peered over to look at it, glowing on the bedside cabinet. He could swear there was whispering coming from within it. Something about it was seriously off about that thing.

A suddenly uncomfortable moan changed his attention as a sleeping Lexi pulled herself further up onto him; his head now resting on hers. He could faintly hear her say “Better” in her sleep, which just made him smile. He closed his eyes. As long as he was with her, and his friends, everything will be okay.

The artifact decided to give up glowing for today, it will try again another day.


The End...?


And there it is! The end of MIsadventures II! Please comment on what you think of the story! I spent an extremely long time trying to make this happen, and it will mean the world if you guys loved it.




Will there be a chapter 3


Maybe, Maybe not. I kind of like where the story is at right now. I may do bonus short stories of the group's new life in the factory.


Never expected to become emotionally attached to a story like this! This is epic, really hoping there's more of this to come!