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As you guys might of seen by now, or maybe not seen, Jinglevellrock made a challenge for all morphers and artists to create their own version of everyone's favourite gum chewer, including an artwork/morph and a description of the new Violet you have made! And, yeah! I did just that. 

I was going to use Pamibabyy but since JVR already used her I tried to think of something else. And then it hit me! Base one off of the AAF Violet! Her appearance is so different from any other version and you can really play with the punk theme with her. 

So yeah! I hope you enjoy my version of Violet for JVR's Challenge!

(JVR's Challenge Post: https://www.deviantart.com/jinglevellrock/art/The-Reimagined-Violet-Challenge-892348954)


Character Name: Violet Bleu

Place of Origin: Lorraine, Northern France (Now currently living in Itasca, Illinois)


Appearance: Violet is a petite girl in her 20s. She has a massive variety of clothing ranging from pop punk outfits, goth outfits, grunge clothing… if it’s anything that a Punk girl would wear, chances are she has worn it. She’s currently wearing a thin purple crop top with fishnets underneath, and a leather V-shaped top over that. She has a matching purple miniskirt and striped high socks, accompanied by some classic punk boots. Her hair is strangely long and near pitch black, most the time tied up in a high pigtail. She changes her makeup depending on her outfit, going from little makeup to all-the-way with the makeup. She has brown eyes.


Personality: Violet is unapologetically independent, self-assured, and bold... maybe a little to bold. Her over confidence usually leads to trouble wherever she goes, nothing usually stops her from getting what she wants. A perfect punk girl. A lot of others hated her toxic and cold personality; she didn’t care if they hate her or not, she only cares for herself at the end of the day.

Unsurprisingly, the troublemaker is also really athletic, making her the usual first pick on any team… which only boosts her ego. She takes the game way too seriously and tries to win at any cost, even cheating. She blames everyone else but herself if anything goes wrong, constantly looking down on people.

She also chews gum. All. The. Time. People usually think that it’s just her punk personality, but most the time it’s just to relieve some stress, like how people squeeze a stress ball.

Due to her rather harsh attitude, she usually is an outcast to a lot of people at her college. She prefers to be in isolation from everyone else, but strangely enough can’t bare to be alone. She doesn’t understand it, maybe it’s her ambition to be better than people, or maybe she just wants someone to rely on. She can’t handle any compliment; it ends up her being too flustered and scared to talk and simply runs away.

She didn’t really have a great childhood. She originally lived in France where she was a completely different person. Joyful, happy, cheerful, and full of life, not to also mention, she had friends. She had no choice but to move to Illinois due to her parents which destroyed her. Her old life was no more. She latched onto the punk culture, and it became her new life. She doesn’t try to make friends anymore, after all they will just leave her won’t they?



It had reached Violet’s ear that the greatest chocolate factory on earth was giving five golden tickets to see a tour of the factory. Obviously she didn’t much care for it, why would a punk girl care? However, everyone was bussing all about it, even the staff was. She didn’t see anything like this, well except on the last days of college terms that is. People were buying as many Wonka bars as they could, praying to see a golden piece of paper. Days and days go by, and people are not stopping their quest to get this ticket. It annoyed her overtime, she wished that they were all found by now, but only one was found so far, some dude in Germany got it, she didn’t read much about it.

She was one of the lucky winners as you would imagine, but how? She was minding her own business, which meant looking at the crowds of people buying more Wonka stuff with a disappointing look on her face when one younger boy opened a chocolate bar past her and… there it was! The second ticket! The boy stopped in front of her in awe of the golden shine; for a moment so was Violet. She knew then that she must have it. She yanked the boy into the girl’s bathroom and gave the boy… a “very strongly worded conversation”. In the end she came out with a ticket. She did feel absolutely horrible for stealing it, but she tried to supress that thought, she got the ticket, may as well check out the factory. Whatever it is, it must be better than the college.

A week later she travelled from Denver, Colorado to Itasca, Illinois from a taxi that the factory has sent. A near 1000 miles journey. Safe to say, she was extremely bored. The place she arrived to looked like it was in a completely different country. It was snowing, and everything was covered in it. There were no skyscrapers, but a small town made up of rows upon rows of the same looking building that lead up to a shadow of a massive structure ahead, shrouded by heavy clouds. She should have brought something warmer to wear.

Thankfully, the factory was warm inside. Two of the lucky winners introduced themselves to Wonka, a British girl, and that German guy that she can’t remember the names of, while she and two other guys stayed silent. I’m pretty sure you know how the story plays out so let’s skip a bit forward.



Despite not being impressed by much, she would be lying if that chocolate river ride didn’t take her breath away. The boat stopped at the huge door displaying “Inventing room”. Inside was covered in twisting winding pipes going into wacky looking machines making all manner of sounds. Wonka showed off some of his experimental products: Some sort of candy that makes your hair grow, safe to say Violet doesn’t need any more hair, she would have been dragging it across the fall. An Everlasting Gobstopper that sounded like a piece of gum to her before Wonka corrected her. And finally, a gigantic machine that made… a simple white piece of gum? He explained that it was a whole three-course dinner, consisting of tomato soup, roast beef, and baked potatoes before concluding with blueberry pie and ice cream.

Wonka says that it was still very much in development and had a few “kinks” to work out. When one of the guests asked him what was wrong with it, and he said that told them that one of his workers had it and she… grew? Which peaked the young punk girl’s attention more. She though back to her college and how the popular girls always had guys following them wherever they go, it was simple, they were really curvy! Breast implants, butt implants, thick thighs… no guy can resist that! If she took it, maybe she can get a guy. She really hoped so. Wonka put the gum on the side before going towards another machine with the other three guests… and almost instantly she snatched the gum and chewed it.

It really was a whole three course meal! She could taste all the favours of each meal, it was incredible. She blew a bubble and popped it, before realising… her chest was no longer flat! Her breasts were swelling! She hadn’t felt so excited about something in years, but this really was something magical. They felt soft and squishy like two water balloons on her chest. It wasn’t soon she found out her booty was blowing up too judging on how her mini skirt was failing to cover it, her black panties were on full show! She giggled at it, as for once she felt… sexy. The swelling wasn’t slowing down either, her breasts were stretching her top to the max and soon enough… something else started to swell. Her belly. She grabbed her belly and felt it grow, it felt as soft and jiggly as her breasts. She hoped that it didn’t ruin her figure, but she guessed that she would put on some weight.

When one of guessed called her name, she jumped so hard, causing her new curves to jiggle. She turned to find the guest in question. Charlie, or at least she thinks it’s his name behind her in pure shock and confusion, for a moment so was Violet. He asked her what did she do, in which she replied with “What’s wrong with a girl getting some curves? Beat it-“ She paused herself as she felt her belly bulge out massively. So massive in fact that her huge breasts were resting on it. Her hourglass body was gone and now becoming increasingly chubby. Her happiness soon changed to fear as her body takes up a life of its own. Her arms were plumping up causing rips in her thin purple top.

The other guests and Wonka soon came over and saw the swelling punk girl, now appearing to be… leaking? Blue stains were showing up on her chest and down her legs. In fact, her skin looked like it was changing colour! From blue to purple to even Violet! Wonka told her to stop chewing, even Charlie told her to stop, but she couldn’t.

Her body gain height as she lost all mobility, as well as her clothes. She felt her head sinking into herself as she become more bulbous by the second until she’s a 10-foot blueberry with giant blueberry breasts. She has never felt so scared, so embarrassed, so alone in all her life. It only got worse when Wonka’s workers started rolling her. She pleaded them to stop but it fell on deaf ears. They rolled her into a dark tunnel, she could tell due to her body touching the sides and rolled her into the juicing room.

The juicing room felt like a horror film to her, she felt so humiliated, she wasn’t treated like she was someone. Nothing more than a giant blueberry with some long hair sticking out the top. All she felt was sadness. She couldn’t help but cry. When they managed to deflate her as much as possible, she was still incredible fat and blue. She kept bawling her eyes out for hours. Her new life was over.

Thankfully the Oompa Loompas could repair her clothes for her, even if they barely fit her anymore.


After Story:

The poor saddened girl was escorted out of the factory when the tour ended. She had a taxi to a motel for a while before heading home in a couple of days, the downside was she was in a car with the other guests, except from Charlie who was mysteriously absent. The other three made sure to make Violet even more like a freak with their constant name calling and insults. If she wasn’t a blueberry girl she would of snapped right back at them, but… she barely has the strength to hold back the tears. She had a room to herself and just broke down on the bed, which despite being a king-sized she filled out.

Charlie, the new owner of the factory, arrived at the motel a few hours later to see if his fellow guest members wanted to hang out, but of course… he either had the door closed on him or had an insult thrown at him. When he reached Violet’s room, she too told him to go away but he wanted to know if she was okay, which baffled her, what confused her more that he wanted to know he wanted to do something with him.

He would be lying if he wasn’t shocked about Violet’s transformation when she opened her door, but all he felt was pity for her, her clothes were stretched around her with new rips across her, her hair was messy and unkept and her eyes were blue are now red with how much she cried. She tried to deny that she was of course and tried to end the conversation as fast as possible… but for some reason Charlie still wanted to see her. He wanted to know that she truly was okay. She submitted and let him into her room, which was pretty awkward for both of them since she took up the whole doorway.

They sat in silence for what seemed like forever, which was broken by an occasional question from Charlie which Violet didn’t answer. He could tell that she was going to cry at any second again, he scooted closer to her which wasn’t far due to her vast hips and offered her to come outside with him which shocked her. Not only because how insane it is, but that someone actually asked them to hang out with them. She told him that she couldn’t cause of her newly swollen body, not to also mention she has nothing to wear to go out in the snow. In which Charlie replied with giving his coat to her, not even the blue that covered her face could cover the burning red blush on her face. She slowly grabbed it and thanked him, it felt like an eternity that she said “Thank You” to anyone. He gave her a scarf to cover her face since he guessed she didn’t want anyone to see the blue-ness. He probably didn’t realise how much a simple gift was to her. He left the room for her to get changed. For Violet, this might have been the first time in a long time that she felt like some one cared for her, even as a gigantic blobby juice-filed girl.


Bonus Notes:

Violet is fluent in both French and English.

Violet is surprisingly good at rollerblading and Skateboarding… even semi juiced!

Violet lives in the factory now, due to Charlie’s request so that no one can ever hurt her.

Violet’s Blueberrifcation causes her body to take up different body shapes after juicing. (E.G. Top Heavy, Bottom heavy, Belly heavy, or all round puffy in general)

Violet had a whole new range of clothing that can stretch really well without ripping, even punk clothes too!

(The girl in the image is Bella Poarch)

(Base Model by okayokayokok)



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