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Weekly Update / June 8, 2021.

My Annie & The Mirror Goat // Wildmons project is spread out with tons of pieces so it's time to focus them into a proper launch!

I have found my stride after experimenting and have a new way of presenting art by combining comics with the bigger image sets!

This will allow me to make super sexy bangers that make you think:  
"Oh man, this Annie art project slaps so hard!"

Annie bangs and slaps like a good song!

1) First batch of characters I will focus on in coming months:

Main characters:

The flirtatious fox boutique owner who dabbles in alchemy with the goal of bringing lewd fun to the land!

Annie's freshly summoned and somewhat inexperienced sex demon assistant with the power to use mirrors as portals!

An expert on all things occult, Maeven is Annie's unreliable, moody assistant who couldn't care less what you think.


VIXULT: Chilled out psychic Wildmons with a love of herbal concoctions and occult magic. They go with the flow and let others lead.

HONEY BUNNY (HUNBUN): A mischievous Wildmons with a habit of tricking intimate partners who don't satisfy their needs by releasing bees on them. Has high energy a lot of stamina making one hard to please.

Horny canine Wildmons that use pheromones to gather a harem that is eager to please their master! They reward loyalty to them very well. *wink wink*~

Stubborn Wildmons who need to be in control. They have no tolerance for messes of any kind. Prone to using ice magic to freeze a partner if they make a mess. Remember to "release" inside when intimate with Maidice!


2) Here's some of the art I am planning for the "launch" of Annie & The Mirror Goat!

It's a mix of new and reworked/repainted art.
I have learned a lot about what makes lewd art appealing and I am applying it!


Thank you so much for sticking with me!

Annie and the mirror goat is my way of realizing my dream of having my own sexy and fun original universe, or "Annie-verse", as well as becoming less reliant on fan art now that certain companies aren't fun to draw fan art of anymore. 

Once I get the "Annie-verse" launched, I will be back to banging out art more regularly!

Time to make the world a more horny place! :3


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