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''I can hear his heartbeat: The struggle for Trost part 4''



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Nice! I was worried about you getting spoiled for this one.


God damnit Alex.. It's 03:43 am over here, and I was just about to go to bed.. but I HAVE to watch this episode 😑


I’ll give you this one but if you keep guessing more stuff I’m gonna be quite impressed. Glad you didn’t get spoiled at this point... You’ve survived 8 episodes just 51 more to go 🤣


"So many questions..." You are now officially in the AoT club. For every crumb of info two more mysteries appear and it just keeps getting better. Even though I can't wait for more of these, get some rest man you've been grinding all weekend.


And here is 05:26am 😂😂😂 i watched it i like it and cant wait for the next episode... 👍🏻

Ivancho Allegro Mundaca

NO SPOILERS Ok. So l lied about your theory about Eren being alive. But just because l wanted for you be more impressed with the big reveal. And from now on l won't lie again. I have been meaning to tell you that in the Spanish captions Eren said"I could not die even if they kill me", and on this episode that makes so much sense. Be prepared for the next episode. From now on you'll have so many questions and so many answers. Great reaction my friend. Stay safe, and as always... Go Alex GO!

Vlad Tudor

My favorite reaction channel ever! Keep up the grind, Alex.


yeah I was actually gonna point out Alex hates fake spoilers as well as real. Can we just not mention future episodes? confirming or denying theories is in itself a spoiler. saying "Don't get your hopes too high with that Eren theory you have, there's some of that, but is not the answer." is still a spoiler, i would have honestly figured it out by that comment (as i already, like Alex, had some suspicions it might be the case)

Cation (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-25 22:16:10 Are you sure it's Eren? Some potatoes claim that this is his twin brother Erenito. Jokes aside, loved your reaction as always.. This show will always be on top of others when it comes to cliffhangers/ plot twists. If you think you've seen enough already, you are not even close. And how Mikasa broke down and cried for the first time, that was really emotional. Cause we never see her cry. TEAM ARMIN VAN BUUREN <3
2020-08-24 13:45:38 Are you sure it's Eren? Some potatoes claim that this is his twin brother Erenito. Jokes aside, loved your reaction as always.. This show will always be on top of others when it comes to cliffhangers/ plot twists. If you think you've seen enough already, you are not even close. And how Mikasa broke down and cried for the first time, that was really emotional. Cause we never see her cry. TEAM ARMIN VAN BUUREN <3

Are you sure it's Eren? Some potatoes claim that this is his twin brother Erenito. Jokes aside, loved your reaction as always.. This show will always be on top of others when it comes to cliffhangers/ plot twists. If you think you've seen enough already, you are not even close. And how Mikasa broke down and cried for the first time, that was really emotional. Cause we never see her cry. TEAM ARMIN VAN BUUREN <3