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Small blade: The struggle for Trost part 2



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Oh how I've been waiting for this! 🙌 Hope you're doing well!

Unknown Guardian

ohh man , one of the most epic moments in saison 1... and also one of the biggest WTF moments, when i watched this the first time i was like: "wait... WHAT?!?"


Yeah it seems every episodes is a legit WTF now. 🤯🤯🤯


YouTube will always be YouTube, but I hope atleast all the Patreons can show some respect and not spoil stuff. Let him experience the show, the way that most of us got to experience the show for the first time ✌


Episodes 7 and 8 are great examples of how this show can suddenly expand the world/lore after making you think you have a good grasp on what's going on.


Just gotta point out that I love that you actually properly pronounce Jean 😁 and yeah, this is a great episode, loved your facial expressions 😳😅

Ivancho Allegro Mundaca

NO SPOILERS My friend, you are in for a ride. Don't get your hopes too high with that Eren theory you have, there's some of that, but is not the answer. The next episode(If you haven't seen it already) will have more questions than answers, I asure you that. Great reactions, I don't even know how you held up your tear when Armin told Mikasa about the death of all the 34th company. I sure couldn't the first time I saw it. Lol. I can't wait for you to see the next episode. If you thougth your mind was blown, wait to see next episode. And every time I writte something I'll start by saying that I will not bring spoilers. I love your reactions man, and in this COVID times, is the next best thing to watch this with someone else. Keep it up my friend. Go Alex GO!


Welcome to attack on mindfuck. Where no one is safe with their theories cause anything might happen lol! Glad you're enjoying it Alex, cya next episode!


Waiting for your no filter version release of this episode. Hope you release them together in the future. Love your reactions.