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[BeastBeat v0.1.16] Patreon build is now available!

⬇️Download links at bottom⬇

In the cargo hold, Gideon waited, muscles coiled like a spring, until the shoving and mocking voices faded away.    When the tavern once again erupted in the sounds of clinking glasses and dice hitting the tables, the dragon  checked his bullets – it was time to act.

The clatter of dice in the cups abruptly shattered as Gideon, hanging in the cargo hold, unleashed five precise shots that put an end to four enforcers.    As the inside man swiftly removed the final layer of security from the loft, all that remained in the tavern were an empty chair where the gang leader once sat and Gideon, who had vanished without a trace.

The roar of motorcycles tore through the valley.    With two nearly simultaneous gunshots, the screech of an eagle heralded the victory cry, circling twice before lazily settling on a massive nest atop a cactus.    Money, goods, conflicts between factions – in this chaotic battleground, the echoes of gunfire had long become part of the wildlife's daily routine.

"Cursed Savage Gid,  John will gut you for this!!"    The wolfish creature struggled to crawl forward, but Gideon's powerful claw firmly pinned him down.

"You should thank my marksmanship, Wolfhead.    I spared your life by just ruining your gun, not taking it.  “

"Old Man John, you're reminding me," the dragonkin said, planting a foot on the wolf's backside and sitting on his motorcycle.    He pulled out a brick-like mobile phone.

"I'll let him know right now."

Hey there, long time no see!     Welcome back to our regularly scheduled updating.     We've got more time now to plan out BB's future CG updates and explore how we can better collaborate in our respective fields.

This animation is the full version of the animation techniques we've been studying.     We've managed to implement independent dressing and undressing of clothes and pants in the gallery.     Do you like sunglasses?     Give Dragon dad's head a click.     It's a demo of our wearable accessories design that we've been testing.

Meanwhile, BB is gearing up for an update on the VN story, probably around version V0117.     We're all working hard on this one.     We're about to unveil a mid-length serialized story about the Maze Lord Trute and the hero Adair.     The artists have finished drawing the CG backgrounds and NPC portraits, and the script is all set.     Next up, we'll be wrapping up the VN system and filling in the text.     We'll see you soon!"

[Feedback Preview]
02.15th---Interactive animated wallpaper
03.05th---VN Animation of V0.0.12

📱Android:If installation fails, modify its extension name is only ".apk" and open it in file manager instead of browser

if you can't launch the gameon Android,don't unzip the download file, simply rename and delete the .zip and leave the .apk. The file will change into a game to install. And don't forget to check the security of applications of unknown origin in your settings.

🖥️Windows: Need software which can decompress “.zip" to open the file package


1. Install AltServer on your laptop/computer
2. Connect your phone to your laptop/computer and download AltStore. AltServer should be running in the background and shows in your taskbar.
3. Download the ipa
4. press the + button at left top corner from “My Apps”
5. Search for your ipa file and install

⬇️Download links here⬇

[Patreon_Build PC]BeastBeatV0.1.16 
[Patreon_Build Android]BeastBeat V0.1.16 






The game has crashed since it was updated, and it can't be started


Got an error message in the link: Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.


i have the same problem.(with Inertia


hey,would you like solve our problem?


The download link seems to be working now, for me at least


yeah...but now problem is that how should I use the code🥺I have put it into the blank of the game but incorrect.


Oh, I have the impression that we have talked about this issue in DC. I will update there if there is any news.


Tested the apk installation package and it can be opened normally with 12+3GB running memory. And we received a solution from a player and expect to try it out this month to see if more models can be supported.


Hey the links are working for me do i need to be a higher teir


Hey this links on mobile still don't work

Hulunhoter X

How can i join the patreon ver Discord?I CAN NOT FIND THE LINK


Link your discord and patreon and you will be joined automatically


The game downloads but when you try to run the game on Android it doesn't load and it crashes


Android app keeps crashing