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Hey everyone!

Since our channel is going to be a little quieter while we continue to crank on Ep. 7, we figured we'd keep you all updated here more frequently. 

Episode 7 is coming together in way that almost makes us confident enough to set a release date. We've started casting for all the parts we need and we're hoping to get some old friends involved along with some new ones. On the story front, we are very, very excited, because we feel like we finally unlocked the full potential  of Luke's island. All of our story points felt good, even beyond Ep. 7 all the way to 9, but in the past we've always been slow to figure out how to stick the landing of each episode. What we came up with for Duke Dirtfarmer and his island had us laughing more than anything else we've come up with so far. 

In the previous update, we mentioned the possibility of another live premiere. We're more serious about it now, and we're looking at some potential dates. Keep your eyes on this space and Discord for news about that. 

Finally, we'll be working on a new episode of the podcast that will be available within the next couple weeks. We'll talk about some of this stuff and then go about our usual conversational meandering. 

That's all for this week! Hope you're all doing well out there.


Craven + Zak





Graham Dallas

Sounds great guys, can't wait for it.




I’m already trying to think of things that could happen on Duke’s island. Super hyped for this.


Cant wait you guys!


So excited!

Bill Scurry

Did this message come from Brett Favre Actual?


I'm excited! Is there any possibility of a discord premiere, like when we did the watch parties? Not trying to ask for too much but those were fun times! Keep up the good work!