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My new year is off to a bit of a shaky start. Between dealing with shenanigans and an everlasting cold, I need a break or maybe an early spring. Someone please bribe Mr. Groundhog with some carrots? I don't want him to see his shadow next month. 🤞

I've been tinkering away at a few things, but my next big release will hopefully be a maid/mistress roleplay. Written by Iris, I've reimagined the spicier story into versions for boys, girls, and anyone who just wants a comfy SFW listen. Script and revisions are all done, and as soon as my voice is back, I'll get to recording!

In the meantime, please enjoy these new-ish audios ~ ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱

A Morning Pounding

🎧 >> Listen and get fit << [10:06] [Patrons] [Fitness 'droid] [Fsub] [Pinned down] [Mild Self-degradation] [Show me your moves] [This is for science] [Paint my back]... + tags

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

🎧 >> Listen to Fairytale << [9:57] It's the classic tale of a bad girl who breaks into someone else's home...hmm... kinda sounds familiar

And um, if you're into feet stuff, I came across a short tease of a script. It's not quite long enough for me to post anywhere, but here ya go...

🎧 >> Listen and sniff... << [4:42] 

》 Too shy to comment or critique? I'll close my eyes... Feedback for Skitty

🎨 Thumbnail Illustration by L. Leslie Brooke

Ps. Yes, I got my flu and covid shots this winter. My body is just tired. Maybe I should do a Nurse Joy audio for myself. Sleepover at the Poké Center! 🏥




Get well soon : ) sorry to hear you got hacked


I hope you get well soon, Skitty. The winter has been a bit rough with you these last weeks for sure. Take care of yourself, ok?. It seems like I have missed a few things lately, eh?. Are you a hacker now?. Like Angelina Jolie in "Hackers" or something like that? :O :P Have a nice weekend.


Hope you feel better soon Skitty.


Thanks ❤️ Thankfully i didn't get hacked. Someone thinks I'm hacking them though :/


I am the biggest hacker. Cue gif of cat smacking keyboard with paws. Lol :)


For avoiding getting sick (as per your wish expressed @2:01)... you might want to check out latest episode on HubermanLab podcast featuring current state of the art science on how to best handle and prevent flus and colds (while also debunking countless myths around it). IDK how I feel about being called a maid in your next video :3 I like the audios based on scripts that you write for yourself the most btw. When you adapt a script sent by someone like in that maid fdom case — do you change a lot of it or just a few words here and there? /Ofskitty