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Who will you choose in this classic fuck-marry-kill game?

FYI: For those who may not be as comfy with NSFW topics, there are mentions of sex. But ramble is meant to be fun and silly. And if you wanna play along in a SFW version of the game, you can always skip the sex and Date-Marry-Bonk!  

+ Bonus... Skitty reads excerpts from "The Lusty Argonian Maid"! 🦎

1. Werewolf ✧ Tentacles (Cthulhu?) ✧ Goblin

2. Harpy ✧ Horse ✧ Devil

3. Lizard ✧ Snake (Medusa) ✧ Spider

4. Lamia ✧ Slime ✧ Vampire (Lady Dimitrescu)

5. Kitsune ✧ Ghost ✧ Dragon

6. Demon Dog (Cerberus) ✧ Goat (Toriel) ✧ Rabbit

》 Too shy to comment or critique? I'll close my eyes... Feedback for Skitty




1. marry werewolf, kiss tentacles, bonk goblin 2. marry demon, kiss harpy, bonk horse 3. marry spider, kiss lizard, bonk medusa 4. screw it Ima break the rules. That's too hard of a choice, I'm not bonking. marry Vampire, kiss lamia and silme lol 5. marry kitsune, kiss dragon, bonk ghost 6. marry cerberus, kiss rabbit, bonk goat Choosing between zombie and mummy I would go with mummy because I think they would be less smelly? maybe? And my ultimate trio would be vampire, demon, and cerberus. I don't know why, but it pushes my buttons when girls are intimidating. Anyway, thanks for the rumble it was fun to play and I had a good laugh a few times. Take care skitty <3 ohh and btw there is number 5 twice in the post


Ahhhh, you killed goat mommy!!! No butterscotch pies for you! :P And thanks, I fixed the number :3


Ooh, interesting, this is gonna be a toughie but let’s see. 1: bonk werewolf, fck tenta, marry gobo 2: bonk horse, fck devil, marry harpy 3: bonk medusa, fck spider, marry lizard 4: bonk vampire, fck snek, marry slime, (yeee) 5: bonk ghost, fck dragon, marry kitsune 6: bonk goat, fck demon dog, marry rabbit Mummy Trio would be slime, gobo, devil Fav for marry slime and one night stand would be devil. Tbh, I would also wanna "bonk" the ones I put as bonk, but that's not the rules so.. Thanks for this and the reading Skitty, never played this before and it was very enjoyable, :)


So fun reading everyone's answers. Surprised you've never played before! And yes, they're all kinda "bonk"-able in a fun way too ;) Just hope some of them aren't too dangerous for us!


1. Kiss Tentacles obviously, marry Werewolf for doggo loyalty, bonk Goblin because that's how you grind XP for leveling up. 2. Kiss Devil because as fun as it would be things could never work out long term, Marry Harpy because I'm a sucker for beautiful singing voice, bonk Horse. 3. Kiss Lizard, marry Spidergirl for cozy web living, bonk Medusa. 4. Kiss Slime girl because they can get everywhere, marry Lamia because they give the strongest hugs, bonk Vampire because vampires would be cold as a corpse and not as sexy as they are made out to be. Everyone forgets how cold the vampire would be. 5. Kiss Kitsune because cute, Marry dragon for great wealth, bonk ghost because incorporeal. 6. Kiss Cerberus because long term relationships with hell creatures never work out, marry Goat because goat mom is best mom and the goat is my spirit animal, and bonk rabbit because bunnies are boring. Ultimate Combo: Kiss Slimegirl, marry Goatmomma, and bonk Goblin (I need them levels yo).


1. Kiss gobbo, marry wolf fursona, bonk tentacle hentai 2. Kiss bird woman, marry satan, bonk literal horse 3. Kiss lizard, marry snake, bonk disgusting spider 4. Kiss mound of slime, marry vampire mommy, bonk snake #2 5. Kiss incorporeal being, marry foxy lady, bonk dragon fursona 6. Kiss Judy Hops, marry goat mommy, bonk cerberussy


A game where we decide to Fuck, Marry, Kill. The person named Mary Kil: LOL, moving on. I'll just go by the pictures in terms of what I'm dealing with, the rest is much easier to imagine. Fuck: Tentacles, Harpy, Medusa, Slime, Kitsune, Cerberus Marry: Goblin, Devil, Lizard, Vampire, Ghost, Goat Bonk (Kill): Werewolf, Horse, Spider, Lamia, Dragon, Rabbit. 1: Werewolf will definitely make you her bitch, and is too animalistic for my liking, so that's bonk. Gotta make sure I love, protect, and cherish my Goblin girl. Tentacles looks most human, maybe those are actually gentle octopus arms for suction, and not squid tentacles. I don't want serrated edges or hooks near my delicate bits. 2: A Horse is a horse, of course, of course, gets the bonk. Marry Devil? or is it Succubus? More like Succ-me.. am I right. Harpy, definitely tastes like chicken, if you know what I mean. 3: Bonk Spider. I know she may be lonely, but all those eyes, the giant abdomen... And how do I know she won't just use her fangs to liquify my insides then drink me like soup. Sorry Faunas Tavern, you'll need to find a replacement. Lizard looks just like the cutie from Lost Ruins, that's insta-marry for me. Medusa, she's not the only one that can turn things to stone *wink*. Put a bag over her head, quick fix for quick fucks. 4: Bonk Lamia. Rather not get crushed if she decides to coil around me for sexy time. Slime, I'll stick more than just my sword in her. That leaves Vampire to marry. I think she's more on the tame side. 5: Dragons love hoarding gold, so they probably don't like to share. That's a Bonk. Marry Ghost, at least this way when I die I have someone already waiting for me in the afterlife. I had a recent run in with a Kitsune so let's go back for sloppy seconds. 6: Rabbit, sorry it's a bonk from me. Even if she begs me fuck her full of bunnies ~35 times. No one can keep up with that sex drive. Marry Goat, simple as that. And for Cerberus, 3 wily, bratty pups that are in need of correction with my erection, hell yes.


1. Kiss wolf, marry gobbo, bonk tentacle 2. Kiss devil, marry harpy, bonk horse 3. Kiss Meds Snakklesen, marry lizard, bonk spider 4. Kiss Lady D, marry slime, bonk lamia 5. Kiss kitsune, marry ghost, bonk dragon 6. Kiss Toriel, marry Three's Company, bonk rabbit


hmm, I'd prefer some of them to be less scaly/furry but if I'm going to still try and base my choices on your pictures, listed in this order, fuck-marry-bonk: 1. werewolf, cthulhu, goblin. 2. harpy, devil, horse. 3. medusa, spider, lizard 4. slime, lamia, vampire 5. dragon, kitsune, ghost 6. rabbit, cerberus, goat 1. wolf girls be cute, but maybe if less wolf-like, eldritch horror would be interesting though. 2. might be different if i wanted to imagine the horse girls from uma musume. getting with the devil would be hot. 3. wasn't feeling this group much. sorry cute lizard maid 4. if only it was any other vampire than Dimitrescu, even a daughter of hers. slime for a good time, lamia for a long time. 5. will the ghost get to rest in peace now? even if foxes aren't ideal, the fluff 6. the devilish doggos from hell would probably be annoying but could be fun


It would be interesting if she took all the fuck options and did them all in her next couple of lewd audios.


1. Bonk goblin, kiss tentacle, marry wolf 2. Bonk horse, kiss harpy, marry devil 3. Bonk spider, kiss medusa, marry lizard 4. Bonk snek, kiss slime, marry vampire 5. Bonk ghost, kiss dragon, marry kitsune (I keep going back and forth on this one for kiss/marry, that's a hard pick) 6. Bonk goat (I haven't played the game undertale so I don't know Toriel at all), kiss bunny, marry Cerberus Mummy or zombie is....hard. Let's go mummy because we can imagine that it has magical bondage wrappings that would make for fun, and it would avoid the rotting flesh issue. Favorite kiss is slime (think of all the weirdness you could get up to!) and favorite marry is Cerberus, because, you know, you get three goofy, loyal, protective doggy girls.


Yeeey! Finally I was able to listen to this ramble :P I was choosing the options at the same time as you were talking about them in the audio, and now I'm noticing that I think I picked the ones I will marry first and the one I will bonk later, so the fuck column is the one that remains :P (Marry-Fuck-Bonk) 1.- Werewolf - Goblin - Cthulhu. I will marry the werewolf, she must have a human form when she is not transformed, right?. And I will bonk Cthulhu, I don't want to mess up with cosmic horrors. 2.- Devil - Harpy - Horse. I guess my image of devil girls is the typical succubus with very human like appearance :P 3.- Medusa - Lizard - Spider. I feel like this choice is very dangerous but for some reason there is a part of me that thinks that maybe medusa will spare me and will not trasform me in stone. 4.- Vampire - Lamia - Slime. I think I choose the vampire because is the more human like in my mind too. 5.- Dragon - Kitsune - Ghost. For some reason I'm sad to bonk the Ghost in this case. I will marry the dragon but I imagine them with very human like appearence. It was difficult to choose between these three. 6. Cerberus - Rabbit - Goat. Very difficult to pick these ones. I pretty much choose them taking into account the images you choose. I will marry three demon dog girls, lol. I guess it must be similar to marry 3 werewolves :P Is always fun to answer these kind of games, Skitty. Thank you for helping me relax after work. Have a nice rest of the week. Take care.


You're the only one to have mentioned the human form for werewolf. That was an afterthought for me, but very true. They'd probably be the most "normal" :) Can I change my answer?


Just felt like saying thanks for the sfw version. On my end the more traumatic baggage and paranoia got so bad it might be difficult to feel safe about emotional vulnerability, feeling perceived or about people again. If I’m not broken for good I’ll say for friends/fwb/etc., I’d love to care or be there for a werewolf. Harpy, spider, lamia, ghost and rabbit would all be really interesting and I want the lamia hug


You're far from broken. I hope one day you'll find someone who you can feel comfortably vulnerable around. It's okay to have feelings.


Hmmm for my top three picks, I'd probably have to bonk the spider girl because I don't like spiders. I would boink Cerberus cuz that's sounds like a fun one time thing type of deal, and marry the ghost girl, because that would be eternal, like after you die, you'd still be together and that sounds cute. (Although Toriel is a close second for that one)


1. Kiss werewolf, marry goblin, bonk cthulu I just dont want werewolf fur all over my house... 2. Kiss demon, marry harpy, bonk horse Not much for centaurs, much less man eating horses, demons are definitely going to kill me in a marriage, but would defo be crazy in bed, bird lady is VERY loyal so i must pick her for marry, always the safe option 3. Kiss spider, marry lizard, bonk medusa Blindfold stuff with medusa would be wild, but I would be SO down for spider bondage, and lizard is cute and she seems clean too, the thought of spider marriage crossed my mind but i dont see much from it like i do lizard marriage 4. Kiss snek, marry slime, bonk la-D Really tough one for me actually, no interest in lady D but i REALLY am interested in the other two, I would take the slime home just because snek would also probably kill me, or i just have a massive pref for slime girls in this choice who knows 5. Kiss kitsune, marry dragon, bonk ghostie I was thinking of marrying kitsune but then you brought up a REALLY good point of dragons being protective and rich, so i kinda moved it around, ghost would be just weird either way, she is cute though 6. Kiss bnuuy, marry toriel, bonk doggies Honestly cerberus would be a fuss to keep around in the house, and i wanna try the bunny girl, despite the simplicity of the choice, toriel is a given for me really, you explained it best