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I've always wondered if support chat secretly silently judges my channel. Weird gutterkat, patnapping, succumommy... hmmm....

Also, if you haven't gotten the notification...

Mousegirl is out! I hope you like my very cheesy roleplay!





Skitty does keep dropping hints about being a guy


Aah, fooey, I guessed 34, though, I counted any cheese mentions as well, :p. thanks for making the world a little less blue Skitty!


Your still mommy skitty to me ☺️❤️


Cute, it must have been a blast thinking of all the different puns. I counted roughly ~21 that really stood out. I'm sure I missed some. "Cheese/s" in general seemed to be the favorite pun followed by the use of "brie". Unfortunately, the sound of the fluttering, along with speaking quietly with an already soft voice, and what sounded like a fan? white noise? in the background, made it a teensy bit difficult to make out some parts of what you were saying during that one section. Since mousegirl is apparently almost as tall as me, and with the cheese being that size, there is no way on Earth you'll see me throwing it in the air trying to catch it with my mouth unless I wanted my face broken. We'll save that for the other audio ;) Skitty has lots of "large" characters. She must be compensating for something. The way you have your date format set confused me for a second, it's not November yet. Plus the 24-hour clock, but that didn't throw me off as much. Youtube will always be an enigma. Reminds me of the Infinite monkey theorem, throw a bunch of employees in a room randomly pressing buttons, except you'll never get anything remotely cohesive from those guys.


I commented but felt like saying thanks since it felt safe and fun or just uplifting. I can’t feel safe about anyone or anything anymore so it helps a bit much.