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I've always considered myself a pretty happy and chill person. Let's see what this online quiz thing says about me...

🎧 Preview of SuccuMommy (sfw) >> listen here

The audio is raw. Still need to finish recording the NSFW portion. This is taking longer than I anticipated, sorry. >_<

Wanna do the quizzes too? 

Obviously take these personality quizzes with a grain of salt. It's just for fun. But hey, maybe you'll surprise yourself :)

😍 The Love Language Quiz >> clicky here

😡 The Anger Assessment Quiz >> clicky here

》Too shy to comment or critique? I'll close my eyes... Feedback for Skitty



33% physical touch, 30% quality time, 13% both words of affirmations and gifts, 10% acts of service. tis true, im a very physical lover. just any small contact I enjoy


and I got middle on anger. Good at handling it, but can be better