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Skitty get a LOT of messages. I try to reply back to everyone... but sometimes... well, it's a little complicated.

Interesting DMs aside, 99% of the messages I receive are super sweet and wholesome.

Note: In case you're new, and don't know who Peen-kun is. He's just a plushie. I will not be exchanging peen pics. Lol

🔸Skitty cannot roleplay with you („ಡωಡ„)

🔸Some DMs confuse me. So I confuse 'em back! Mwahahaha

🔸My beta listener gets interesting DMs too. Too bad he isn't a hot chick. Or someone who wants to roleplay. 




Aye fellow bunbuns, was thinking a long time yesterday about my previous comment here... I got worried that some completely healthy and functioning bunbun reads it and might think they are a creep or whatever for enjoying to engage in roleplay-conversations. I apologize for that 🙏. Know that comment was addressed at people throwing insults and folks who lack the basic decency and respect for others in general. Horni/kinks is normal but also everyone got different degree what they can handle. So be nice/tactful to strangers and ASMR-artists when doing that. Again, I apologize. I hope nobody (except actual creeps) is now contemplating whether they did something wrong or not. Ya probably good plus the captain's ship has a robust ship mast made outta goku-steel. Dat ship wont sink that easily just cuz the h**** sometimes throws da brain overboard lol. But still, try to think first if it crosses the line and if u might end up affecting someone in a way that you did not intend to, aye? :) Have a good day bunbuns and captain 🍍.


I couldn't help but feel sorry and laugh at the first one, shit got me tripped.