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Do you remember your dreams? Do you have ones that come up again and again?

I don't really take dream analyses seriously, but they are super fun to ponder about. 

My reoccurring dream is... losing my teeth. So if that weirds or grosses you out, you can skip this ramble. In real life, all my pearly whites are just fine. ( ゚∀ ゚)

I wouldn't recommend taking this site seriously, but if you wanna see what your dreams mean... http://www.dreammoods.com 




I can remember my dreams for a day or two at most, then my memory of it gets fuzzy. I used to have a habit of recording my dreams if they were memorable ones, just in the form of short stories. The weirder ones I've ever had were dreams of me breaking my bones and having floppy limbs because of it, but I feel no pain :/ I've been having more "nightmares" lately but they aren't like horrifying dreams that wake me up, covered in sweat or anything. It's more annoying and I just shut my eyes rlly hard to force myself to wake up. Afterwards I'll just be staring at my ceiling like -____- lol Hopefully you get more pleasant dreams soon!


Neurotypical dreams: deep embedded meaning that is studied and recorded for public interpretation. My nuerodivergant dreams: why is my dog standing on its hind legs and smoking a wood in one paw and in the other holding a .44 magnum. OH SHIT, where did master chief come from????!!!


Losing your teeth is actually a fairly common dream/nightmare. I've heard lots of people say they have that exact same dream, and I myself have had it too.


You know my weirdness with sleep. As a byproduct of my weird low sleep mutations, I don't tend to dream. (Or at least have no memory). Except, when I do, I get absolutely super terrible horrifying nightmares that haunt me into waking. Teddy protects from the things that go bump in the night. But, who protecc's the protector? Well . . .in a lot of ways you do. I love your positive affirmation comfort GFE audios because they help me through the times when I wake up absolutely convinced that I'm trapped at the bottom of the ocean, crushed, unable to move from the pressure, but unable to die. Or that if I open my eyes there's a monster sitting next to my bed waiting to eat my eyeballs out of my head with a spoon and to keep my optical nerves attached so that I'd be forced to watch as my eyes are digested. So . . . thank you for being there in my terrible times of need. <3


I don't remember my dreams much, usually can recall them as soon as I wake up but soon forget them. I used to have recurring dreams or continuations of dreams, dreams with alternate endings... some involved dying. None of my dreams ever felt so profound that I thought "it's a sign, it must mean something". I don't think there is much meaning behind my very mundane dreams. I scrolled through that sex dreams article quickly and saw 'testicles' but read 'tentacles' :lewd:


i love your rambles :,) its like listening to a mini podcast where its just one random topic for 10 minutes lol ❤️ my one recurring dream involves me not being able to speak, its one of the most frustrating things ;-; and usually im in a situation where ill need to be yelling for help, honestly now that ive typed it out… okay okay i get it… i think my subconscious is roasting me 😔


I don't dream a lot, most of the time going to sleep is just blank space untill alarm rings but when I do dream it gets really intense like, every few months I get this dreams when it feels like I have "lived" in them for years. I only remember highlights of them but it's always similar pattern, it starts with me meeting someone, we start to like each other, we do a lot of things together, the years are passing, bond grows stronger and then something terrible happens, like an accident or sudden diagnosis with disease and after that I just wake up sad with this terrible feeling of losing someone. Anyway I think it's just my dumb brain projecting my deep fears of losing someone dear to me.

Morgan Le Fay

Your tooth dreams awe kawma for you pwonouncing wowds in weiwd ways ovew and ovew.


I love skitty rambles. The honesty and comfort it brings is so calming.


I have waking dreams sometimes, usually subtle. I would wake up and perceive the world slightly different for a few seconds to a minute before everything returns to normal. Thankfully I’ve been told not to worry too much, so I tend to ignore them the best that I can. ^~^ As for normal sleeping dreams, 90% of the time there’s no sun and I’m portrayed a lot younger than I am in the real world. It would be bright outside, but the sky is just a black void, no sun or clouds. It’s not in a bad or scary way, but it’s just there doing it’s own thing. Aside from the dreams where I die horrible deaths, I often have to either solve some kind of puzzle or fight some otherworldly entity/force. There’s also a lot of recurring characters and places. Some of the characters remember previous dreams and experiences, which is weird. Lots of broken physics and odd object behavior too. Dreams are always a weird topic for me. Thank you for the ramble Skitty, your voice brings me comfort and you always have something interesting to talk about before bed. Make sure to take good care of your teeth ^_^


I could sit here and talk about my dreams - being cast in a classic Disney animated movie as an additional character, reoccurring locales (school campus, theme park), etc, but I'm going to share a few examples of dreams that stood out to me. My most striking dream was like a shamanic journey - I travelled across a twilight desert to a city of bronze pyramids and ziggurats between the desert and a jungle. Entering I was guided to the palace through the city of humanoid serpentfolk as a visitor of their queen. She was tall and hairless, covered in emerald silks and golden piercings. I knew in the dream I was a guest here, but the Queen Serpent terrified me. There was no dialogue either, not a word was spoken - I remember that vividly as well. Another dream I have no memory of whatever took place but when I woke up I was filled with a sensation I can only equate to pure evil. I felt like my chest was rotten wood caving in on itself like a sinkhole with freezing air escaping the depthless void like I was suffocating. I don't remember a thing about whatever I had dreamed that night, and I am SO GLAD I don't. I have other more mundane dreams, including a growing list of Disney-themed dreams where I'm a minor character written in like a half-way decent fanfiction. I started writing down details of my dreams as I have them along with the dates, and then I can see themes or recurring elements of my subconscious.


I don't usually remember my dreams. The ones I remember is because they are pretty epic, weird or something in that style XD But sometimes they repeat. I'm going to explore that website and look to some interpretations to see what I can find. If I find something interesting expect a dream ramble one day, lol. When I was a kid I used to have a recurring dream similar to the teeth one, but I usually was in front of a mirror and for some reason roots appeared in the skin of my face. Pretty sure a horror movie put that in my brain, but I remember to wake up pretty scared and with a bad feeling :P Usually the dreams I remember are pretty fanciful, and it seems they are growing with age instead of diminish XD What is always fun is when you notice in your dream that you are dreaming. Is like waking up in Matrix :P Thank you for sharing the ramble. I hope your weekend is going pretty amazing. Take care.


"Brain is defragmenting in your sleep" So then snoring is just like hard drive noises, lol. I remember some from years ago, some get fuzzy and have faded over time, some have been long stories, like the one time I had to invade a mansion with a squad of superpowered peeps, others have been short, like when the whole dream was just about my brother having a hole in his back and I was just staring at it. Lucid dreaming is pretty dope, I've done it so often now though that I mostly just let my dream do it's own thing and only change things if I'm not liking where it's going.


I don't dream often but when I do, the dreams I get are almost always involve me running or fighting for dear life. What's weird is that it's always a faceless mob doing the chasing, there's nothing distinct about them. Apparently it implies I'm avoiding an issue IRL. Fortunately I haven't had one of those dreams in a while 👍 I hate sitting on unresolved conflicts


Glad they're a rarer occurrence these days. Dreams should be relaxing, our days are stressful enough!


I don't really remember my dreams all that often. But when I was a kid I had this one recurring dream about being in my own home there was both family and friends in the house, but suddenly somebody drove up the staircase with a large car (I don't remember the type), and then disappeared in the kitchen. Shortly after we all got into the car (8 people in one car is a lot) and we were driving away from a tornado that was chasing us. I woke up shortly afterwards. I don't know what it meant or why it hasn't returned in a while, but it's funny.