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^ That. 

That fat cat is me. Or at least how I've felt these past few weeks. Trust me, I want to move, but there's been a wall between my motivation and will to move. 

So apologies for being so quiet this year. I'm not sick or anything, I think my mind and body just needed some rest. Cutting back on coffee probably isn't helping, haha. Thankfully I'm off work this week, so I'll be catching up on audio roleplays I've wanted to record. 

New years resolution... less coffee... and hopefully this will correct my sleep imbalance. 

What about you? Any vices you want to cut out this year? 

💜 Lastly... Tentative Vtuber debut: 

Model Preview: clicky here || Twitch: click here 

Saturday, Jan 29th @ 3pm EST / 8pm GMT

It'll be a causal thing. I'll show off the model and the things she can do, and a VOD will be uploaded afterwards for those who can't make it to the live stream.



NekoWinters .

It's okay Momma Skitty, relax and reset as much as you need to, I've been under the weather all week and heckin burnt out myself. My resolutions is to take better care of my heart in particular with my diet. I'm super duper hyped at the idea of you vtubing so the world can see you how we all hear you =^,^=


I need to cut out energy drinks, but the caffeine withdrawal migraines make me dread doing it ;-;

The Everything Bagel

I completely cut caffeine cold turkey, no regrets. I feel so much better in the mornings, way easier to get my day started. I also got a 64oz bottle and I try (and typically fail) to drink two a day, also helps alot.


Heart health, that's a good one. Okay, I won't share my bacon with you anymore then :)


See, Skitty.... your audios are my drug of choice and Idon'twantto quit them. Don't have time for bad vices if I fill my time with good vices. :thonk kat:


That's amazing. I hope I'll get to be a morning person one day. Also... I'll constantly be running to the bathroom with all that water! lol


It be like that sometimes... motivation is a capricious lady. Cutting back on coffee can be hard not only because of the caffeine withdrawal, but also if you happen to really like the taste hehehe But it is true, it helps with sleeping disorders and that kind of stuff. I was so used to it I thought it didn't affect me as much as it does, but it turns out not having a coffee in the evening did help me a lot with my sleep problems. Anyway! Im excited for your model debut and I hope motivation finds you soon enough :) take care!


I enjoyed the energy I got from coffee. The taste, I can take or leave it. There's always decaf if I really want it. :)


I hope ur keeping good connections with all the people in ur personal life. Ur fans are great and theyre good support, but those in ur personal circles is what it's all about


Also, try taking L-theanine with ur coffee. It does wonders on removing many of the negative affects of caffeine

Browning Mike

I can relate to burn out. I had a rough time recentering and finding myself. I hope you are able to. life can be rough but you will always have your fans. Jist take care of your well being


Remember that fatigue and bleh mood is also part of caffeine withdrawl. I am well acquainted, since i feel like i have quit every other week. Weening off of it can work too, though its slower and easier to relapse. I ended up not having headaches last time i tried that one. Either way, I believe in you! Kick that coffee's ass!


I've noticed you've been quiet these past few days. Hope you're getting some good rest then, I want to cut back on caffeine as well. Can't be easy to reset your brain chemistry though. Looking forward to vtuber stream.


Kinda worried about your mental health. While you're trying to do "better", it's important not to beat yourself up too much. Spend too much time thinking poorly of yourself, and you'll waste all your energy on it.


Thank you for the kind words. You're right, we shouldn't feel bad for taking breaks. And I'll be nice to myself <3

Jared Chinchello

Glad to hear that your alright, breaks are incredibly important. As for vices, i guess dialing my soda and alcohol intake back. That's about it, that and my brother in law and I are gonna be getting gym memberships.

Kyle Poor

Glad to see anything from you, it's something good to just get a word out to us. And I wish to actually get myself to finish writing one of my books instead of jumping from book to book never making much headway on any of them.


Hope the rest helps! Sometimes you want to do things and just can't, and you just need some time to reset! Cutting out coffee is hard, I hope it doesn't suck too much. Do yourself a favor, though, and remember that all improvement is a non-linear process. Some days will be harder than others, and you're not failing, no matter what. You are a strong Skitty. You can do it. Vices I'm looking to drop? I play too many videogames, and it's eating into my time for self care, so I'm trying to work on that. Not much success so far, but I'm still feeling a lot better, which is encouraging!


Oh that’s really understandable, caffeine or not. I hope you’ve been able to rest easy sometimes. And good luck with coffee^ I know that’s difficult, and sort of disheartening energy/focus wise. I’m not sure how I’ll manage to cut off coffee myself, but it’s better than it used to be (like I used to drink 3L a day at some point; very little now). Maybe I should delve into why it seems so useful for me and stuffs. Maybe exercise/sleep a bit more often too. For me, I just want to feel more grounded and stable by the end of this year, and to work on coping mechanisms and escapism in general. I want to feel able to take care, protect and so on for myself in a less stressed or often triggered way like I always had. Less dissociation and such too. I’m prone to finding those things very difficult, but I feel like I changed last year in a deep but confusing way and it’s as if I’m learning how to take care again, which is a very daunting impression in context, but I’m trying. / I’m pretty certain I’ll be able to be there!! It’ll be fun


That gif is soo relatable it hurts, 🤣. Take the time that you need, you'll only end up doing more damage if you force yourself and if anyone gets upset about a lack of updates, well, fudge em. Good luck with your coffee kick, It'll be tough for a bit but I know you can do it. 👍 As for vices, alcomohole is gonna be a big one for me, I may not cut it out completely, but I def need to stop essentially breathing it.


Glad you hear from you again, just take all the time you need. Physical and mental health comes first. Im starting the year off with Covid cause i got tested positive yesterday :D just please take care of yourself and that also applies to everyone here! Much love and support from this idiot ❤


Heh. I'm going to save that .gif. It describes my life pretty on point XD I'm feeling extra "meh" these days so I can understand that problem with motivation. I think these last years my feelings with new years is something like that GTA CJ Meme: "Aw shit, here we go again"... I don't really have any new year resolution, lol. It will be nice if I stop thinking so much about things, but that's something I've been trying to change for years, so... :P Glad to hear that you are doing fine. I hope your end of the week is pretty nice and you will have a nice weekend too. I think I'm going to spend it reading, lol Take care.


Sorry but the audio...4:20 hehe


Oh those are good ones. And having a gym buddy is so helpful. I miss going to the gym with friends.


3 liters? That's more than the water I drink in a day. If you can cut back on that amount, I can do it too. :) And I'm rooting for you! Change is good!


I know, right? lol. The gif is amazing though. Cold turkey probably isn't necessary. If you can moderate, that's a great start :)


Sorry to hear you got it. I hope you're not doing too bad. I wish you a speedy recovery <33


From our convos, I feel like you've made a lot of progress. A lot as changed in the past two plus years I've known you :)


Good to hear from you, and please do take care. It never helps anyone to burn themselves out as it can make your mental health go down hill, and forcing yourself to do something isn't very good either. I also wanted to thank you for all you've done as your audios have helped me get through some really tough times, especially now. I wish there was something I could give back of equal value but thats kind of impossible. so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything and helping me and many others. please do take care, you've got it. (sorry I dont leave comments usually)


"Eat healthy, workout, blahblahblah" is something my brain heavily relates to. I know I should, and then I'll look in my fridge and decide, "ooohhh I could use this, and this, and this, and this!" After whipping up a big meal, I'll be sitting there like :nekofat: and won't want to move. Be careful with tea since for some ppl (like me) it easily stains your teeth. My dentist recommended me to get off tea and even my beloved iced tea because of this :nekosad: Hopefully you'll be fine! :) My only resolutions this year are to stop opening my wallet so easily to Steam sales and find someone to share big meals with since I'm rolling solo again :nekofine: Hope 2022 is a little kinder to everyone :)


Ma dad always drinks grape juice if he wants to take some break from too many 🍻and it works wonders😂💯 (party is cultural with him lol). Before moving, my old country was deeep into “spicy water” (it’s literally just sparkling/carbonated water) back in the days. After too much boba and sugar, I find myself replacing it with the good old spicy water from childhood lol just gotta find the right or healthy replacement I guess… never smoke bunbuns… only broccoli and homework and all of that other work :D