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This ramble audio was recorded yesterday, just before I approached the GoneWildAudio's Backstage community about something that's long been on my mind. You can read more about in the link provided.

Link: Discussion: Let's Talk about Soundgasm 

My motivation runs dry when I'm distracted. To the detriment of my sleep and creativity, I care a little too much about things sometimes.

While making audios has brought me a lot of joy, it's the sense of community and belonging that has kept me going. What I love is people, and making people happy. So to imagine what it would be like if a critical part of a community failed, left me feeling helpless. And I don't like that feeling. With the help of some friends, I've been directing my focus towards action and meaningful change.

At this current time, a lot is up in the air and I am feeling exhausted. I'd like to acknowledge that I've been distracted from producing content this month. I apologize for that. 

I am taking a mini vacation this weekend. It'll be my first personal escape since quarantine. When I return from my trip, I will tackle... 

  • Monthly Patreon Exclusive: the final Alewdment: Neutral Evil 

  • Something for YouTube

  • Anything else that comes to me

Goals I've previously mentioned are still on the table, but will likely be post-November.

PS. If you missed it, my pillow fort audios are out.




It's alright Skitty. Have a hug 🫂


Call me crazy, but I like this sound. Mmm... reminds me of your old rambles with you blanket. Also don't blow on your Nintendo cartridges! Ree!

Hentai Sensei

Take a long rest skitty. You need it.


I think what you've done so far is a great first step, it's opened the doors for possibilities and to some even brought more awareness. I'm sure some people have have thought it's just on their end when SG was slow. This has gotten people talking, more than just rumblings here or there. Now that Stealth has replied, since you recorded the before posting, maybe there can be some improvements made there as well. You should not have to do any of this alone. I know there are people who value the community as much as you and are willing to help. And you've done the right thing by starting a discussion like this. I love the "I hope people will tell me what to do" line at the end lol.


i know that feeling all too well. having distractions all around you -especially when you're a scatterbrain like i am- kinda kills your motivation to do what you want/need to do. On top of being a lil burnt out or overwhelmed by everything going on, whether it be good or bad. it's nice to take a breather so that you'll be re-motivated and pumped up to take that next step focused and excited. Have a nice break, Skitty. And forget to enjoy it.


As Lhyko said, you should not have to do any of this alone. Maybe you already did a little bit much. It's a group project, after all. But I hope you feel hopeful and relieved after seeing the great and communal response on Reddit. Now time for you to take an A+ vacation. Go!


Doing other ppls parts in a group project hits so hard. I remember first few years of university, I'd be logging into our shared google docs to make sure ppls essay parts were done when we needed them to be done. Otherwise, I'd write it myself so we'd have something there. I hope things get sorted out for the better and you won't need to shoulder so much extra stuff. Enjoy your vacation and take good care of your mental health! *patpat*


Personally, I'd recommend a longer break.


I did notice that soundgasm struggled to load sometimes. I always thought it was just my internet. I'm not sure what advice I can offer, but I would use your site if you were to make it. Also, I think a small break for you is a good idea. A few days to try and not worry about any of this stuff. It will all be here when you get back, theres no rush. *hugs*

Erected Dragon

Hey, i completely understand that feeling, being honest maybe not 100% because I've never been a voice actor or anything like ASMR I beg of you to take a longer time off, last thing we all want is that your refresher/2ndWind doesn't last and you get this experience again or even heavier/worse. I can not speak for any other person, but if you say that you'll take a 20 year break, I'll be always waiting for your return. I can't say that i been a Patreon supporter for long but i do say that I've been following your YouTube for a long while. I had 100 other things to say but i forgor💀 because it was hard to come up with this few words to begin with. PS: if it ain't clear already, I'll miss you but I will wait as long as you need me to


I think my first reaction when I read your post in GWABackstage, was like I was kind of proud of seeing you stepping up to try to help the community in something that needs to be fixed/improved. And maybe my second thought was: “I hope this is not too much work, or it brings chaos/complications to her, and people in the community are nice and wants to help too”. So I guess you pretty much talk about all that in this ramble. I’m that weird guy that prefered to do the school projects alone, and a few times I said to a few classmates that I will do their part of the project for them XD I found that way more easy. No need to meet outside school, no need to organize the work for a group of people,… less social interactions, basically :P So I think I can understand a little bit that feeling. I really think is a great thing that you want to help the community in general, but as I say that, I want to say that you don’t need to take all the responsibility to improve the situation by yourself. Your approach I think is fantastic. You have opened a debate in the community and offered an example of a solution. Now people (creators) need to give their opinion and look for the way of making a true community response to the problem. You don't have to take all the work for yourself. And by the gods, don’t you worry about content. You always offer a lot of content to us and if you need a little break to rest, is reason enough to “disappear” for a little bit. I hope you have a wonderful mini-vacation this weekend. So glad you are taking one finally!! *Spanish-sounds* *Spanish noise* Fiesta! Fiesta! Yay!!!!! XD I’ve told you this before, but take all the time you need to rest and don’t worry too much about us. We will be here waiting, I’m sure of it. Have a nice time. Take care.


Hi, I am not a paragraph. Love, trees. 🌳 :)


It's good :)


You're awesome Skitty. Hope you have a nice break :)

Hanz Andersen

Take your time and get as much rest and thinking time as you need. We'll be waiting right here :)


It was very nice to hear your soft and sweet voice and your thoughts)) Do not limit yourself in sleep, a good sleep is important!


You're really putting youself out there with this. That's pretty scary and you should be commended for doing so! I'm out of the loop on all of this stuff, but I will continue to follow your audios wherever they go. I hope this all works out for you, and I hope your time off is restful and relaxing! You derserve it! Thank you for all the care you put into your work!


hi im usually a lurker but i figured i’d chime in! i thought i was the only person who has issues with soundgasm and recently it feels like more often than not i just don’t bother since it doesn’t work half the time :( i think you’re onto something useful to everyone but at the same time don’t over work yourself! take it one step at a time and slowly figure out how you want to go about this and the future for it! we believe in you :)


Take as much time as you need.


All your work is highly appreciated by us and of course you should have a good rest. Have a great break!


I said it there, but this is really cool, seriously good job on this. And I assume we’re going with it, so great luck managing the site if so